First Tome of Tactics since the last Farholme Pass with one and I’ve got quite the 5* backlog…who should I ascend? I’m leaning to Acidfire but what say you? And who second as well in case I get lucky and get another Tome? I have enough other mats to ascend one or two 5* heroes in every color
From your roster, my personal favourite would be Deadboot, and 2nd Acidfire.
Deadboots ability (stealing buffs) wins a lot of battles for me.
I recently got a Tome from shards in the Alchemy Lab.
That is the modern Worlds 8th Wonder
Deadboot is the stand out to me. At very fast he’s insanely useful.
The game must have taken pity on me as I have so many Blades and so few Tomes
Strategic embargo on tome of tactics. They only pop up in “deals” since the 18 months.
Didn’t they offer a tome yesterday or the day before? I am sure they did, I can’t remember which deal as I close out of them but I definitely did see one.
Sorry they did yes but like all other offers, i wont be buying.
There is a farholme 2 coming later in august so will get one then, but that’s still weeks away
Deleted my last msg as my colleague pointed out that the d blade wasn’t included!
No worries, I understand the frustration. Tomes ar the thing I ALWAYS need too (and I too, refuse to pay £10 for one)