Final blow to TC20 heroes

You don’t even need 5☆ for that… I previously complete class event and rare quest with non-emblemed 3☆ and I can complete hard atlantis, seasonal event, and legendary challenge event with 4☆ heroes.

What will be changed is tournament. From what I have seen, 3☆ with costume bonus have 20 more TP that without costume bonus, that means the highest powered defense in 3☆ tournament will be increased by almost 100. If today the hardest opponent in 3☆ tournament have 2900 TP, few weeks later, it will be 3000TP. It doesn’t matter how many players have that 3000 TP, even one player is enough to increase that upper limit (he/she will get attacked 1000 times/day). That is how tournament matchmaking works.

I don’t see this debate as whale vs F2P.
Anyway, this thread is pitting whale and F2P against each other:

This conclude that this new feature is not directed towards F2P. If the feature is for F2P, they would have made a building that can produce costume or at least make it available randomly whether via chest or random rare monsters.

Challenge coins is an example of great addition for F2P.

Don’t get me wrong, I never ask for this feature, I don’t mind if it is not directed towards F2P. I hope that the feature is great for F2P but as it is not, don’t label it as more beneficial for F2P, it seems to be more of C2P materials not F2P or P2W. Honestly I hope this feature never exist in the first place.

I think we should define what is “compete”. If compete is winning an Alliance War, I think SG have done a great job with the matchmaking as we are matched with similiar level, just as @DoctorStrange say:

If compete is entering top 1% in tournament, then as of now F2P can still compete because I often sneak into top 1%.

If compete is top 10 on challenge event, then I agree with you. I am not insane enough to compete in that as F2P. :sweat_smile:

True, what I want is a way to grind it, not free. But the term used in this thread seems to categorize grind as free.

We got 5 keys from our mailbox, that is free.
We got 6 keys from quest, is this grind or free?

Misguided feature?

Why do everyone is saying F2P hating whales???
This is misleading!!!

This thread is not for bashing big spenders, ask the OP.
