We are a very friendly alliance with 11 active members currently. We are English speaking with members from Europe and America.
We fight titans between 11 and 14 and war twice a week.
We have a Line group which is optional and our members like to share strategy. Ask advice and generally help each other.
We have a range of members, some level 100 and above and quite a few below…
I recently trawled a number of alliances out there looking for small groups to come and join us and was surprised how many alliances out there with loads of members but only one or two active members. Chat is silent and the game must be boring. If your alliance is like that… come and join an active and friendly bunch…Fighting Cheeseburgers has plenty of room. Drop by and see us…you might just find a new home!
We’re an Alliance of 16 or so active members, known as The League, and we’ve played together for years. Our oldest member has been here for nearly 7 years and I, myself, have been here for over 4 years.
Our leader decided to step down, so I was promoted, but I’m operating as more of a de facto leader.
Your Alliance seems to allign with ours and I want to be proactive in keeping things going. Even though we are at a fairly healthy number, keeping members to stay for longer than a couple of weeks is a tricky business.
We range anywhere from level 57 to 106 and 5000 to 7000+ team power. We have a good thing going here, but always interested in keeping things moving forward, and like I said, be proactive on keeping things going forward, as recruiting one member at a time seems to be too unreliable.
Most of us are active daily and use their flags when opted into wars.
If a possible merger, or moving members from one Alliance to the other sounds interesting to you, then we can have a talk about it.
We don’t have a Line or Discord, so all our communication is in-game, but you can come stop by us, again, we’re called The League in-game, or you can contact me under delonge on Discord.
Hi there Lampesk… , hope you dont mind me shortening your name
My name is Viscount and i have been playing for over 5 years… i was leader of an alliance, which like many alliance slowly lost members. Just before Christmas i reached out to the Fighting Cheeseburgers and we joined them. It has been a good marriage although we have continued to lose members… personally i think consolidation is the only way to continue to enjoy this game, which is clearly in decline.
We are currently in a war and do not want to jeapardise that but i would be very happy to jump across after to discuss a merger with you and your members. Having gone through it recently and wrestled with the difficult decision on wheter to move or not i think i have a lot of experience to share in this area…
If you are interested i am happy to jump over later…
It seems we’ve both experienced the same struggles.
And that would be lovely, please do stop by and we can discuss everything out in the open with everyone else. They’re already aware I’ve been looking for a merger, but I will give them a heads-up that you’re coming by.
Viscount! I am so sorry, robo just kicked you from our Alliance because he thought you were an intruder. He didn’t understand what was going on. Reapply back to us if you still wanna talk. Safe to say, if we’re going forward with things, it won’t be with robo. I’m actually so mad at him I can barely keep a sentence together! I have no idea what’s gotten into him. He’s never acted like this before. I’m so disappointed in him!
Hello DeLonge - i must admit i am shocked. For now i am going to return to Cheeseburgers and let the dust settle.
Thank you for reaching out… i realise that you and the rest of your alliance were very welcoming… and so was robo at the beginning. Something in him turned…and i thought we resolved it… i will let you deal with him. Its between you and the rest of your members.
I am sorry that you are at a disadvantahe in this war as you have to deal with the handicap of losing my six hits… i have had this happen before and even if i rejoined the war link is broken so i couldnt join in. Sorry buddy.
Keep in touch. I wish you and your alliance all the best.
I still can’t believe he would just do something like that. It’s such a breach of trust and he’s not even a co-leader, so he had no right to do what he did.
I still think we would be a good match for each other, so it would be a shame if we couldn’t work this out despite this.
The war is what it is, but it just adds another layer of stupidity to all of this.
I’ll see if I can get a reasonable explanation from robo for why he would do something so stupid, but again; I’m not going to move forward with anything regarding him. This has taken a big dent in my motivation as I put a lot of effort into making this work out, and as you could tell, everyone else are very open and welcoming.
I still hope we can work something out, and like I said; what robo did is such a breach of trust that I can no longer trust him. I’ve demoted him for now, but a kick is most likely coming once he’s seen my messages. It’s just unforgiveable.
We tried to hear his side of the story and get an explanation for his actions, but ultimately, it was apparently clear that he was stuck on his views, which were in contradiction with everyone else’s, so we had to remove him from our Alliance.
If anything good came from this, it’s that we unified against him and it’s even clearer we all share the same view that we want to go ahead with the idea of a merger.
So if you wish to continue our talks, you’re free to stop by again. 100% free of people who go vigilante and kick you guaranteed.
Hi Del, i am very sorry that it came to this…he had been a member for a long time from what i recall. He had his reasons no doubt…but i dont think i did anything to upset him…
Would you mind jumping over to us this time. As i think i said, i am joint leader, and PapaBear my co-leader would like to meet and talk to you. We (as in my previous alliance) joined the Fighting Cheeseburgers just before Christmas and we jointly lead.