February 2022 Balance Update - Discussion

I’m more concerned to find out if Zuri will be given yet another buff in the April balance update. She seems still weak. Perhaps add the following:

  • Heal all to 100%
  • Boost health by 1000HP over 3 turns
  • Distribute all cleansed ailments at random onto enemies
  • All clowns should also be able to mana cut just like LOTL

Without the improvements, I doubt people will be pulling for her in the next Starfall Circus.


Depending on how many people pull for them, we may yet see new buffs just before the next Starfall Circus :smiley:


You can communicate publicly about what’s going on, what were the advice from Beta players and whether SG listened to it or not :slight_smile:


I love this idea as well. And considering the latest nerfs, Treevil deserves it :smiley: (I have him emblemed and limit broken, but indeed only one. He still won all the 7 fights against him on defense though)

Your suggestions for a Buff only make Zuri barely playable, she also needs to have her mana speed increased to Very Fast because I really feel like she is underperforming at Average speed.


That’s too OP. I think boost 800 health over 2 turns and VF is better. Everything else stays the same


I think if they added that mechanic to very fast tourneys so people don’t overuse OP meta breaking heroes… i.e. they can use multiple treevils for attack boost or other tourneys lol.

The issue is when they release mana crunching heroes like Alfrike or treevil… of course they are balanced w very slow speed. But in very fast game rules… the nature of the special is meta breaking, and I wonder if SGG had the bandwidth to foresee how treevil will be overly used?

I am ok w these heroes and usage… but the tourney needs to be balanced.

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I think keep her as average, but she starts with 99% mana.
I bet she will still not fire because you will only get boards with 2 yellow tiles…


:joy: The word “emergency” will never not be funny when used in relation to a mobile game - and it becomes downright hysterical when typed in all caps.

I’m picturing a war room in which SGG’s staff is wearing military uniforms and yelling “This is a defcon 1 situation! If we don’t nerf the winter family right now, they will take over the world and enslave human kind!” :joy:

Some people take this game - and SGG’s word - way too seriously. :joy:


It will happen again. The question they should be answering is if this is just a scheme to get an influx of spend before they nerf. This game is several years old and several newly released heroes get tested before official release so I’m not buying it. It’s intentional.

She is still a garbage useless hero. She needs to have an auto win component to her skill where you don’t even need to play the board. You just put her in the team and when you click on attack you get taken straight to the victory screen. Only then will I consider pulling for her.


:joy: Honestly clicking on attack still requires too much skill. She needs a passive that makes her do it for me.


I like it. Basically as soon as you get an available flag AND the raid chest is active then she auto-selects the defense team with the highest cup/ham loot and wins the battle for you. That buff would almost make her “playable”


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Operative word being “almost.” A hero who wins every single battle despite being completely unleveled and who fights even when I’m sleeping is enticing, but I’d have to check the synergies with the rest of my roster before rating her “playable.”


You went even a step further than I imagined :joy: For me it was a doctor running towards a hero killed by Pengi, administering CPR and then the hero going into cardiac arrest and dying. And the doctor looks to the sky and screams: NOOOOOOOOO!!! NOT ANOTHER ONE!!! WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN, GOD!!!

The entire SG staff (the gods of this universe) watch the scene unfolding shocked and they say: “HOW COULD WE LET THIS GO SO FAR??? WE NEED TO MAKE SURE SUCH A SLAUGHTER NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!!!”


That is all pretty amusing… and I completely agree. Do you guys not also get amused by the hysteria of players crying end of the world when their C Kwampus has had the + in its A+ rating turned into a -?

Not disagreeing that the nerf was unwarranted, and especially the extent of the nerf.

But more talking to the extent of the outrcy.

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Apparently I am a disturbing factor to you/ because of you to the moderators and my replies to you need to have special approval :joy:

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Did your reply have the word “ch eat” in it? I know that triggers auto approval

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I thought we agreed to disgree on some points :slight_smile: Especially when it comes to players responsibility vs. company responsibility

  1. For me it was not hysteria from most players. It was mainly people saying they don’t agree with the nerf and they feel that they were cheated by the company after spending a lot of money for a product only to be downgraded after a month. Then there were some people (including you) basically replying “this nerf does not matter, SG has the right to do whatever they want, stop your whining”, which in turn only provoked them more.

  2. Clients expect that their supplier to fulfil some standards of quality that SG had not (not to deliver a faulty product, communicate problems more clearly, give a compensation etc).

  3. Players did feel cheated money wise and I think that their outrage from this point of view was justified (I am talking about the ones that pulled a lot specifically for C Krampus).

  4. C Krampus became generally weaker (at least for defense) than regular Krampus, so I feel that this is why many people got so mad/ disappointed. If I would have had regular Krampus and pulled hard for Costume Krampus, I imagine I would have been very annoyed as well.

  5. The nerf came as a package with the outrageous (from the point of view of SG being preoccupied to balance the game) buffs of the Circus heroes and some of the Magic heroes (some of the other Magic buffs like Anastasia I consider needed)

  6. My general feeling is that people complained more about the nerf being UNFAIR. Which it was, especially in a context in which they could not get any compensation (and no, those lousy flasks do not count :smiley: ). The EMERGENCY has some other connotations for me, basically reminded me of the entire Emergency Room series :slight_smile:


I just read the Follow up… No komment. There is no words about why need to boost the other families… Obvious next event make more money, disgusting…

The only think what you forgot the winter portal works with epic hero token. Most of the players save the coins for the winter than the easter event. Because these portal give us useful heroes. The S1 heroes is too old and might not enough good to do the S4.