Featured Atlantis Heroes for May?

Sorry if this information is available here but I couldn’t find it.

Does anyone know featured heroes for Atlantis in May? I’ve seen the HOtM Clarissa and everyone saying Gravemaker also available in Atlantis summons. Do we know who other featured heroes will be?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Next Atlantis Rises: April 3: Atlantis Calendar/Schedule/Date & Guessing Returning HOTM and Featured Atlantis Heroes [Currently discussing April 3 Cycle]

A post was merged into an existing topic: Next Atlantis Rises: April 3: Atlantis Calendar/Schedule/Date & Guessing Returning HOTM and Featured Atlantis Heroes [Currently discussing April 3 Cycle]

A post was merged into an existing topic: Next Atlantis Rises: April 3: Atlantis Calendar/Schedule/Date & Guessing Returning HOTM and Featured Atlantis Heroes [Currently discussing April 3 Cycle]