I’ve noticed I definitely have my preferred raid teams, though I mostly stack against tank and one flank, but some lines are just so good you can run them against anything.
I’ll post a few of my favorite teams and how I use them effectively. Hopefully people will share theirs and a good, insightful discussion can spark.
This is one of my favorite raid teams. Strategy is simple, fast, raw power. Eve , Kage, and seshat dispel, kingston drops attack, rigard cleanses and provides the heal. Straightforward but undeniably strong. Works well against the GTV meta as well.
The DoT stack. Victor and clarissa, with their respective mana troops, fire in 6 tiles amd pile on the DoT. Kunch cleanses, heals, drops defense. Vela provides more DoT, and Frida gives a nice pop of dmg, dispel and elemental def down.
This is a fun raiding stack I’ve been deploying against telly tanks, esp those flanked by vela. Grazul and malosi double up to stop incoming debuffs. Santa drops defense and attack. Joon deals straight damage, and zim cleanses and ups attack.
All in all, these are some of my favorite configurations. How do you raid? Who do you prefer and why?
I’m excited to see how everyone approaches their raids.
Awesome teams!
My mono red team (pretty much only mono I’ll run routinely) is santa, falcon, zimkitha, Grazul, and Red hood. Works pretty well against any non vela flank teams.
That’s great advise. I’ve startedf leveling him up two seperate times and got better options (Santa and then Jean Francos). I’ll start him again unless I get 2 more rings for Grazul
I use santa for his def down primarily, but I’ve got 2 Falcons maxed and will deploy a 2nd one with Wilbur and bold as a 3 stack on cleanup. Works surprisingly well. If I can double up defensive downs with a 2 or 3 stack I try to, for me it’s a tried and true tactic.
It’s a viable lower end tactic, but if Vela is present in the flank running reds is still risky without a blocker (grazul, aeron) or a cleanser. So in order to run a g. Falcon, gormek/Wilbur/santa, Boldtusk you’d want to have a cleanser handy in the other 2 slots (rigard, preferably costumed) prob with another sniper/attacker.
If you have Grazul just sub her in for Boldie, and have a lvl 11 mana troop if you have one. 6 tiles to block vela/telluria.
Mono red Boldtusk Gormek Tyr Marjana JF.
It’s not perfect as Marjana’s and JF’s burn damage overlap, but I don’t have any other powerful damage dealers.
No. 2 is a blue green team consisting of Frida Thorne Telluria Sonya Vela.
I love this team as Frida and Thorne inflict so much damage on up to 3 heroes at once with their specials that it only needs Vela to wash the remnants away.
My last team is a yellow green team with Poseidon Chao Telluria Joon Li Xiu.
Chao and Li usually keep the team alive with their mana reduction while Poseidon and Joon take one by one out.
What I love about the teams is that they’re all able to beat teams that are up to 1000 points stronger (my teams are between 3300 and 3600 strong) provided the boards are not totally against me.
Usually run a 2-2-1 1 being ariel +8 then decide depends on tank and flanks.
Or do atlantis family proteus+7 poseidon ariel+8 gadirus +7 Triton+7 can be a laugh