Looking for friendly daily players. We have good players just don’t have the numbers we need to be a great alliance
Give Fat Kidz a chance. You dont have to tell anyone your in Fat Kidz…can be our secret.
Small group of players. Some old and some new. Everyone welcome, there is safety in numbers and more prizes too. No requirement to communicate just do the best you can in War and Titans.
No pressure.
If your new to an alliance then this is for you.
Hi Yobdab!
I looked up your alliance and we are also a team of 5, active players. Our core group formed this new alliance and we are hoping to band together to grow a strong alliance. Would you consider a merge? We are an int’l group (family incl) with seasoned members. Maybe join us for a war or 2?
Please check us out at…
Indoor curfew has given us nothing but time to catch up and get fat together!!
Best of luck on your quest!
Peace & Unity
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