Fastest way to level heroes?

If food / recruits are not an issue - the quickest way is HA2. 1 uncommon hero per minute. I power levelled Lepus from 4/35 to 4/80 in two hours. (and mostly off colour).

I used to stick to on-colour levelling but recently I’ve just wanted specific heroes ready so I chuck all 2* feeders into a legendary - 1* into 3* or the first couple of legendary levels.

I run TC2 / TC11 / TC11 / TC11 (switches to TC2 if needed) - HA7 (Trainer Heroes) pretty much constantly.

Thx for your input. To sad, but I don’t have HA yet.

I run TC20 / TC2 / TC11 / TC11

When backpacks run out, i want to switch to sth else. Any advice for me?

TC11 is your most efficient bet - but TC1 is also an option.

so TC1 is “better” than TC19?

It depends what you have readily available.

Food and Rugged clothes? TC19
Recruits and Practice swords? TC1.

Food tends to be a bigger bottle neck than recruits, so TC1 allows you to create heroes over a longer period of time.

From a pure speed perspective, with no bottlenecks - TC19 is the fastest.

There’s a great post here with a bit more on the maths behind it.