Farming to Fill Special Elemental Chests

Monster number in season1 9-4 10-6 13-5 are all 11?

There are usually two element colors per wave but for S1 green, 6-3 to 18-5 only comes with one color (green) so average and max calculation is same result, 11.0 :slightly_smiling_face:


This is update version of my map guide. Due to the miscalculation, some of the stage boss was not count even a color is matched. I fix the total numbers but since ranking is in average so it wont affect to most of the rankings. Also, I added some arrow to indicate recommendation to the list, delete some duplicate stages as well. Please update your saved image if you are using this guide.



thank you a lot. ,once you get enough data Will be great to get similar for untold tales stages too as i see a lot of them is full of monsters of same color and some have 5 waves,
you really helped me a lot of times with your data
thanks thanks thanks

Thx, I am updating your guide with this in the Master topic for Path of Giants.


I have untold tales data but this guide is help daily PoG mission. That’s why I did not include those. But for farming purpose, may be in the future…


Thanks, I guess I posted to the wrong thread :rofl:


yes hahahah, well i was filling elemental chest in some stages in untold it was like 15–up to 18 greens and yellow stages haha

Is there any updated version of this table including Untold tales?