Farming loot ingredient; Midnight Roots

I’m posting hoping to hear back from player’s who have noticed this issue.
I’m politely stating that I’m aware of ALL options in obtaining loot ingredients, so please refrain from suggestions.
My Question is; “Have you noticed that it’s nearly impossible while farming, in obtaining the key Loot Ingredient Midnight Roots?”
This is something new I’m recently experiencing.
We need Midnight Roots for crafting the most potent Battle items, so I’m not too happy about this!
I hope the Developers take note of this fact.


anything i say that doesnt speak in favor of the devs and their pocketbook is bein flahges. flagged. SG get to flaggin, you’ll be busy for awhile

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Roots are scarce, once you start crafting higher-level items. They become more common in Province 22, but that’s way too much energy for farming. I have reasonable success with S1-12-9 and S2-1-9/N.


I mostly farm 8.7, 13.6 and s2.1.4 and have not had a root issue yet. They will come with some patience :slight_smile:


lol exactly where i farm except i use 2/1/9 instead of 2/1/4. seems like i can farm 8-7 until i get roughly 50 kills towards monster chest then fill rest with 2/1/9 on normal.


I was having that problem for a while, but since I started farming 8-7 I seem to have better luck.

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Thanks for the info!

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Thank you very much for your help.


I farm Provinces 7 & 8 for the most part. I just leveled up, so maybe it’ll improve? Does that actually happen? :wink: Thanks!

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Thank you for your reply. I’ll gladly take all the suggestions I can get! :grinning:

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Thanks to you too! I’ve taken notes from all replies. :grinning:

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I farm mainly S1 8-7 I’ve filled 5 monster chests and only received 1 midnight root.

Hey thanks alot. Looking at Barry’s & Mia’s farming guides. You’re right S1 8-7 is way Thanks alot

I’ve probably spent 20+ flasks farming Midnight roots over the past 24 hours….the amount of roots I’ve gathered is almost a joke. I’ve use 100 energy on levels that are supposed to have an increased chance of the item and haven’t seen a single one. There have been times where I would have been better off buying mana pots from the shop rather than refilling my energy for 100 gems and trying to farm the roots. I know posting here won’t change anything, but just needed to vent off some of my frustration.

I think the levels with “an increased chance” to get an item should be relatively high. If you can play a level twice and be guaranteed 1, that seems fair. I’m playing sometimes 10-15 levels and not seeing a single midnight root. End rant.

Don’t know where you are in the game, but in my case, at least, it eventually got better. Now have over 2000 of them saved up, though I don’t hit the events as hard as some, so have less demand than I might. Kind of like 3* mats, which seem like hen’s teeth until have a decent stable of 4* heroes, but then start piling up in your inventory.

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Thanks! Yeah, I’ve been here for a long time…all my 3* mats are around 200 in inventory. I’m chewing through midnight roots for the event. I wasn’t fully prepared and am trying to compete, but the game doesn’t seem to want to reward me for my farming efforts :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Oh man. If I could, I’d definitely send you a bunch

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Hahaha. That’s awesome! I always say that to my alliance mates, if I could give them my dupe 5* I would in a heartbeat. Some great heroes forever sitting at 1/1

An impressive stash…
Curious, where do you farm for midnight root? :thinking: Like @Pohiroshima - I always run out.

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I’ve got a special dealer over at SGG HQ! :laughing:

Honestly, it’s just from playing the game. I guess I’ve never really used a ton of it so never ran low or out of it. And it piles up over time. I guess not being competitive in events too often makes a difference.

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