[ex-member] why is it so hard to make this not an option as name

I’m thinking the bigger issue is that people are so bored with the gameplay that they spend their time tracking and reporting names, then making a forum post about it.
Maybe instead of asking the devs to focus on satisfying the hall monitors they could be asked to focus on actual game content.


Yes, I doubt any of them chose that name at the beginning.

It’s up to SG to come up with a more efficient means of enforcing the rule. Why allow players to change to that name (or similar variants) in the first place?


Aww @nekkid625, did someone steal your lunch money again?

Yes they did, and I want my cupcake and chocolate milk right now!


LOL Best reply ever! :laughing:

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Ok, it’s a bit of trolling but… c’mon!

Don’t worry, be happy.

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Awww I’m sorry Ex, I like your name it’s very creative and I appreciate you helping with our titan come back and visit anytime iCloud

No one ingame has ever read this and knows about this without reading the discussion in the forum.

Still seems a bit lame to get all riled up about…


I’m not sure anyone is particularly riled up about it. :man_shrugging:

FraVit93: [Orcish] kek


What about [ex-girlfriend] ? Trolling as well?


That’s more like lolling, if you ask me. :wink:

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Don’t go [ex-wife] or you may be my biggest target! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


We have an opponent in war using the “ex-member” strategy… kind of pointless in my mind…

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I agree, it seems silly. It only take a minute for the opposing team to check the roster to see if they are still there as active members.

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Screws things up for data trackers that track hits and performances for their alliances

Names such as ex-member or even a blank name just makes this task even more work than it already is

Even when the system uses “ex-member” it screws up data tracking when there is multiple, cant tell which was who at the end of the war so whens players voluntarily do it, it makes it even worse

Either fix the names or give us time stamps next to flags and do away with the system using “ex-member” to defeat the purpose of players choosing to do it…shouldnt be hard to implement a way distinguish the system ex-members and the “named” ex-members along with being able to identify an ex-member by clicking their name in the attack log

Anyone not seein the big deal, don’t worry, one day you’ll put your big boy pants on and it’ll all make sense


I am really worried about SG preventing me from getting the names [get-A-life] or [who-THE-hell-cares]. Because this thread compelled me to get one of those.

The main problem is giving the ex-members a generic system name. Just keep showing the name but grey it out.

If a player named themselves Ex-Member, why would they care about what name the system gives them since they didn’t care enough to choose an actual name in the first place?

And ex-player fits just as easily but doesn’t cross streams with the system’s term so could probly just revert player names to that

If it was up to me, everyone that is using system terms as names, or special fonts, or symbols etc would all have their names reverted to Dunce1, Dunce2, Dunce3, etc

Player names should be identifying, easy to read, and be in plain text