Event call

Thanks how other summons work as well, for now. Looks like they may be showing all in the future at least on event summons

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Per Petri above, in the future they will be showing all possible heroes, so there will be no confusion.

Congrats on your pulls! Good luck on the Event!


I think Mantis Toboggan and Quazyx need to get down on a Raid battle ground to settle this. I wouldn’t mind to pay to watch if it is on demand :slight_smile:

For some reason I can’t raid to save my life this week, why do you think I said sorry? My name in-game is the similar to this one, I don’t want him to find me.


Lol… we all are warrior on this game and Raid battleground is a perfect place to make peace. but there is nothing wrong in shaking hands before steeping into the arena… it would be nice to find people by there name and smash them. Just to let you know I would hunt leader board people all the time :slight_smile:

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I got Captain Kestrel 1st try for my 300 gems… guess i just got lucky? :slight_smile:

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I was looking for info on timing of event summons when I came across this thtead…

Petri, in US your answer runs very close to reasoning salesmen you to rxcuse “bait and switch” advertising.

Your explanation that all heroes regularly available in epic summons are also available in event summons is shady.

Tell players they are doing the regular epic summons with an added set of heroes, and that the odds for all heroes remain basically the same.

There is suspicion that it’s not weighted equally. At least not with the event 4*. They seem much more common than the other 4* heroes during this event summon. I’m unsure if this has been confirmed or just suspicion.

I’ve found this thread. But it’s still suspicion.

I do not believe SG can make any representation of how your chances of pulling one hero vs another are. It could be used if ever one of those lawsuits threatened by players ever came to court.

That said, I have to say my guess is the event heroes would be mixed in just as all the other heroes are in the epic summons. This leads to a player actually having less chance of obtaining a non-event hero.

My analogy is the old fashioned slot machine with wheels spinning. Whatever the configuration when they stop devides your hero…they just added a joker to each wheel for the event. In the end it is the same slot machine with an expanded prize pool.

My finding fault with the stock answer from SG is they are asking you to think it is a different and expanded slot.

Eu fui sorteado num dos eventos de desafio do jogo e ainda não ganhei as gemas. Gostaria de saber como faço.