Evelyn Hero of the Month pulls

I have 5 darts and had drake waiting. Should I wait for the new hero instead?

If you value stealing mana and resist blind with massive defense stats, I’d wait


Good stuff. I go for every HOTM and have every one from Aeron till now plus Ares, Athena and Musashi.

Mybpouty-boy Drake is sitting on the bench for the foreseeable future. I do have Musashi and Joon maxed, so Drake is (for me) in this middle space that doesn’t add a lot of dimension to my team. Onatel is completely unlike any hero in the game. She’s the Morgan le Fay of mana.


But onatel mana is slow :disappointed:
Feb Hotm slow mana too :disappointed:

Onatel is average mana, at least in her last visit to beta.

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which I can see from the beta post mana it’s slow and I still keep the picture :thinking:

Kerr, does the feature only help if they are max level but not max special? Is there any benefit if they are max level/max special? Just don’t want to eat heros I maybe shouldn’t be…


Ok i fought massively with onatel. I brought to beta 20+ fully leveled 5* so i had a lot to pair onatel with in that beta version.

I am sorry if i offend anyone but after 3 days i put onatel on the bench and never used her again. On raid defense in beta i tried her in every position. Lets just say I finally pulled her and left her on the bench

I dont care if onatel resists a certain ailment. Blind people can obviously resisn ailment :joy::joy::joy: Onatel has no place on raid or war defense. On offense i could not find any use for her. I could not get any substantial use for her in any role. I just cant find anything good to say of onatel other than THANK YOU sg for giving us a month off to level all the awesome heros you gave us.

Februarys slow hotm is a dam monster!!! Holy heck is he ever amazing.

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I’m looking forward to Onatel. Mana control is my favorite ability in the game but she doesn’t just stop the enemy gaining mana, or cut their mana a bit. She siphons it. Even if she’s slow mana, she does damage to target and nearby enemies. Steals their gained mana. Seems to me once she goes off that’s an “oh no the tank went off” moment. Huge uphill battle from there. And you can use mana pots to power her up against titans.

Being able to resist status ailments affecting accuracy might cover Wu right? Use her in a yellow stack against purple titans and possibly avoid yellow tiles missing.

It wasn’t easy, and I’m not sure if it was worth the cash I dropped, but here she is folks.


Got her and Mother North. Life is good, except that now I need a lot of tonics!

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Zero already have her maxed… and he has both level 30 4* green mana and crit troop…

Wow… are you spent alot? :rofl::rofl:

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Yes @Xero786 its not human hahhahaahah :joy::joy: but alien :alien::alien:.
no wonder the top 5 top alliances can quickly maximize new heroes

@Reubeucop42i This one is not a human, but an alien :alien::alien: is also hahahaha …:rofl::rofl:
He got an avatar mother north

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Man I’m so jealous.
20 chars

Oops, I totally thought I was in a different topic :sweat_smile:

I’ll move it to the correct one :grin:

I spent $200, but that was only to get Evelyn. I pulled all 4 Christmas event heroes from a single 10x pull.