Evade? Joke?

Lol. I have a feeling my Magni got some placebo emblems as he continuously refuses to revive…


Placebos only work if you believe. I have managed to convince my Boldtusk that he is Vivica. He now wears a corset and short skirt and deals extra damage to purple heroes.


I’m not sure you understand statistics or probability. It’s 12% for every time the hero is targeted, you could evade 100 times in a row or get hit 100 times in a row - it’s still a 12% chance.

I think he is actually convinced of this now. The “at least 100 raids” is at least a start in the right direction.

Not sure if I’m reading the title of this thread right, but anyone got any other evade jokes?

Khiona, Marjana and Alice walk into a bar…


The bartender evades them…

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That actually is funy. When I’m making a joke, everybody evades. Kkkk

Knock knock

Who’s there?


Evade who?


Evade me do it

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The reality is 37.5% of all statistics are made up so…

50% of the time…

You’re all just evading the question

“Today I’m planning to read a book on how to Evade from information overload”

“But before I start reading, I need to catch up on my latest forum of e and p game, news, general discussion, and-”

I can’t stop laughing :rofl: You always have some smart comments or answers, but this one is the best :rofl:

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…Khiona and Marjana say “Ouch!” while Alice casually evades the hit. :smile:

Well I think one could and should assume that 12% means 12% to them since that’s what the card or buff says, not 12% out of millions of players. 100 times in a row either way is not 12%. But if you’re right, and you probably are since things like this seldom fall to the players advantage, it should be changed. My 2 cents worth!

I was about to answer this, but it has been answered over and over above.

Well I do understand but I thought it was being argued in another direction. 12 % is 12 % and I see it happen fairly frequently although I’m not keeping statistics on it. But as I stated, 100 times in a row either way does not represent a 12 % claim unless one is being very generous.
As for flipping a coin and getting heads 10x in a row, I’m not saying it can’t be done but I think the odds are pretty long on that one and the person doing it has to be pretty lucky.

I’m hearing you. Marj just evaded 4 specials from me and BK I hit him with 6 tiles and everytime he lost 1 point.
Cmon guys get the % right before I rage quit

LOL 2 years later?

Who exactly are you hearing? Because most here are explaining it differently than your interpreting.