Established and experienced alliance. Recruiting, lvl 25-45

Hi all,

Lost a few players due to busy work life with this virus situation so recruiting for Active players.

We are a friendly, helpful and active alliance.

All we ask is you use titan flags daily, war is optional but use flags if in, we also have line chat (also optional).

In or around Lvl 20-40 would fit well to keep balance. If interested message me here or look us up in game, just search for AHL and request to join.


Open slots: 2


Can lower trophies if interested, only set high so randoms don’t join

Hi Ray,
We with love to have all off you’ll join us,
Here what we about if u interested in joining us - APEX MARAUDERS Is Recruiting active players

Line ID: knutmeg

There is 25 of us, long established alliance, thanks for the offer but this is a recruiting post looking for players.

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Anyone looking? Still spaces open

Still looking, check us out

Won our last war, nearly 4000 points, come give us a try

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Bump one more time. No war jumpers please.

2 spots open, taking down 9* titans, come help us push onto 10*

Just one place left.

Still one place, war matchmaking in 7 hours from now, come try a war with us

Won our last war, scoring 4400 points, good strat, one place open if you want in for the next one

A few places open…

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