EnPluzz - Elioty's Data vault (and tools to come at some point in the future)

Can you also add which ones of these have a Bonus Chest? Usually it’s the 3000 and above ones but I can’t remember if any 2600 ones break pattern.


Yes, I can probably give some information on the bonus chests too.


@Elioty33 when you extract the heroes, could you add their special text, which describes what it does? I saw the names of each special in your tables, and in ancient times (S1 only) same name meant same special. But nowadays there are so many changes and differences between them, that having a reference would be totally cool! :pray:

That’s one of the things I need to do but it’s extremely complex the way special skills are scripted in the game’s data. I will do it eventually one day. :sweat_smile:


If you dont mind, i integrate @Elioty33 hero stat data with HeroPlan data, so that almost heroes have some special skill as well as passive text (but may not 100% accurate due to HeroPlan team manual work).

It is in a CSV file here (update approx. Once a month)

There is also web interface version here.
(Click on team-simulation tab, not filtering tab)


@Elioty33 Could you make the cell of mobs detail wider in the spreadsheet ?

No, I cannot because it’s only CSV. Maximum portability but you need to make a copy on your computer or in your GDrive and widen the columns, put filters, etc as you like with your favourite spreadsheet app (be it Excel, Libre Office Calc, Sheet, etc) :smiley:


Any news on dragon soul changes?

Also why do they not have all legendary troops available in the portal? That’s just bad business sense!

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Hei elioty i forgot where do i can find upcoming fated summon prediction list, hope you can always list your prediction in this thread also for easier search

Hey, they are part of my event predictions in the calendar threads. You have a link at the bottom of the second post of each calendar threads. But indeed, I should list them in the OP of this thread too. Will do it over the weekend :wink:

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I think soul exchange and fated summon prediction list should be displayed on this main thread (first or second post) as it is important for easier search


Which is the best best level for xp in season 5 during dunes? (like 10-10 normal in season 4) thank you

Last level of 6 flags

Hey everyone,

Today’s my forum anniversary so here’s some teaser of what I’m working on in my very thin free time (which is already used quite a lot for the never-ending calendar updates). Keep in mind this is a very early draft (and I’m really good with algorithms but not so much with UI and UX haha and I know one important thing is missing: the hero’s talent classes). I plan on having filtering and sorting options of course but for the troop view, I already find it to be wholly better than the in-game bonkers troop sorting (the missing “prioritize team” toggle setting in the barrack view is the main raison it is so bad).
There will be a little tool to upload your roster, troops, teams, items and more with a single click. However, it will work only on PC when playing with an Android emulator (at least BlueStacks 5, and probably MEmuPlay and NoxPlayer). It would require rooting your device to let have an application be able to retrieve your game save file directly from your physical device but I cannot advise anyone to root their device unless they are actual tech savvy and know what they are doing. This might be ToS borderline but I hope staff will accept it as a community-effort and since I, in no way, plan to modify the save file to attempt cheating or anything, just take a readonly snapshot of it.

I also plan to have a hero database accessible through this website (just like the CSV files I already provide in my data vault but with a shiny UI) with builtin filtering and sorting options of course and a quest and map season database (again just like the CSV files I already provide in my data vault). And probably more later on (custom teams building, talent grid simulator on the hero from the database or from your roster).

But first, I hope to be able to lay the foundation and host a first/early version with at least the hero database and to share it on GitHub (just the website itself, I don’t plan on sharing my tools to extract the data from the game files, again, this one would be even more ToS borderline) for very much needed and appreciated contribution from anyone willing to help. I’m using the Django web framework (in Python 3) and Bootstrap (CSS) for the web design. I haven’t added any javascript in yet but it will certainly use the jQuery framework.

What do you guys think? What should be the top priority in this big project?
I know many people will come to think of the resemblance of this to HeroPlan, I cannot deny the main goal is similar, if not at least the same but in my opinion actually a superset. Also, HeroPlan (the actual website’s backend, not the data itself) is sadly not maintained anymore and is lacking on the costume side and (maybe, I don’t actually use but I believe so) on the legendary troops.

Happy gaming, and enjoy having a look at my roster all you want, this is the state of my roster a few weeks ago.


Exceptional tool!
The fact that you don’t have to register your heroes manually helps a lot.
If you need a guinea pig, I can apply. lol


I see Madhammer, where’s the other one?

I don’t have android and wouldn’t root it, but it looks cool!

Sadly, she came alone since… She came from last Black Friday, not the Goblin Summon :person_facepalming:


hi Elioty Very nice work and project!! super interesting because indeed heroplan is not compatible with all costume versions… leniver has a lot of trouble listing all the heroes on the screens… it’s very interesting. Sorting heroes is more logical as you suggest. I would like to test on PC :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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awesome work !!

as you knw, i’m retired from the game.

please tell me if it’d be convenient for you if i share any work i made.


Amazing work! Thank you - thank you!!
I’ve shared this post with others and you’re compilations are so helpful. I will watch for any new updates on the next phase that you’re creating (oh I wish I had the brain of a developer!).
Again, thank you!

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