Enough with these Christmas defenses already

That is playing to his strength rather than to his weakness.

Dispel/pre-dispel him and he is harmless. Leave him to die last.

While I can see what you mean with Gobbler, embleming and breaking him are out of the question at this point. I can’t prioritize him over c.Mel or Tettukh for LB mats. Debatable if he can get LB mats before c.Caedmon… I’m facing blue tanks at least every second war and with green being my worst color by far, the ones I mentioned see lots of action while I can’t remember ever using Gobbler. I’ll consider breacking and embleming him after these two are LB and Pengi is fully emblemed. Thenks for the advice.

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I remember the days, when Ares have been THE tank…sigh…


Couldn’t have said it better my self. I actually was perplexed discharging specials at c.Krampus and having him survive punishment that would kill two regular 5* heroes… and he’s rogue now… Mana control is mostly useless against MN and her costume is even worse. And yes, owning c.Krampus, c.MN, c.Santa and Pengi is whale reserved. Oh, well, if it wasn’t for christmas heroes, those teams would have been built around Ludwig/Xnolphod/Wolfgang/Elizabeth, so, the more christmas, the less knights…

Fun fact: notice the gap of power between the winter seasonal heroes and all other seasonal heroes. That’s actually an intentional marketing move by SG. Why? Because around christmas, people are a lot more willing to go around throwing money on silly things.

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I always use Grimble against the Christmas family, they have strong minions, I wouldn’t attack without minion eater. C Sabina and Grimble is a nice combination against the Krampus :sweat_smile::+1:


So you are telling me that a defense with

2x slow
1-2 fast (pengi freya/bera)
1-2 mediums (krampus/Xnoph)

Is more opressing then a team with 5 Heroes being fast or very fast?

Meta actually has slowed down a bit now and therefore alot more heroes are viable for attack now which where lackluster some weeks ago.

I agree… this type of defense gives you more opportunities to manipulate the board because it is for the most part passive and slow(er). It is more or less an all-or-nothing approach. That is why I am able to win most of my matchups - 9 purple tiles and C Sabina dispels C Krampus and Grimble charges up Tree and then the pengi threat is neutralised. If you miss that window you may be in trouble… although I also have Luigi to help mitigate that scenario.

Going up against the faster defenses means specials are more likely to go off and each special that goes off has a chance of taking out of my heroes. Far more risky.


Nice try but xenoph speed every one to fast/vf :roll_eyes:

Only if you target him. And that is assuming you are facing him in this defensive configuration

It’s taken so long for family bonuses to go mainstream. Next will be the CoK and Magic heroes. Christmas is too slow too last, even with xenoph. Creating a defense that has major timing issues is fun. But they never go the distance.

If the next portal is going to make money then they have to keep upping the bar…
think about it

If you don’t know how to play, then your obviously going to struggle, there are plenty of spender lectures that can help you out.

If you DO know how to play, and are tired of your roster falling behind. Sure you can spend money, and that will fix your roster woes.
You can accept that spenders have created their own tier.
And lower your Expectation Bar!
Drop down and experience greater variety. And when you face a saturation defense, you will lose most times with your limited roster. But also accept that you can crush a big spender every now and then.

  • Relish those moments that their money is wasted on pixels and you still win. Nevermind the other 9 matches you lose. The internet validation videos that show Gobbler and 4* allies winning do not show you the many attempts that they failed.
  • Be mindful that Balance has been Abandoned…! Keeping that in your mind’s eye, will save you money for things in life that actually matter.
  • Relax and be glad you don’t win every match :sleeping: If you’re trapped on
    the horrifically B-O-R-I-N-G,
    and terribly balanced,
    Saturation Island, you need to know: That place is going to get bigger!

Just leave it, and paddle downstream a little ways. Variety is enjoyable


That only means they made enough money with xmas and will add even more powerful heroes so people can spend even more to get them.

Complaining for balance is useless.

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It didn’t used to be useless.
Painful maybe!
But SG did listen, and cared to prevent saturations once upon a time.

Now that Costumes have left the Chamber. Yes… it is a complete waste of time to argue for balance. Only to hip wade through comments labeling you a crybaby or crib or "It’s no big deal."
All you will accomplish is a costume for a hero you already have,
Or… nerfing a hero that will get nerfed regardless… by stronger creeps later.
And these days… not MUCH later!

Seriously, forget about balance.
Don’t waste your breath about it.
Imbalance during rush
Imbalance during non-rush
Revel in it.
Or duck below it.

I’ve dropped all the way down to the beginning. Where your supply of new players are so I can show them what kind of game they are getting into.
I have a single 3* in my defense.

I’m going to get newcomers to also form a saturation! So that your replenishment, as old players tire out, will instantly see SG’s handiwork.

People need to know what they are getting into, before they donate that first $5 and get trapped in a cycle.


Glad to see some great options for four (and even three) star options for taking out these teams.

Really puts those folks clamoring for balance to shame! Clearly there is balance - just need to work hard to find it.

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Ninjas are probably as hard to get as CoK and Magic heroes, but I’ve only seen a handful that had more than 3 ninjas. I would have thought their family bonus would be ideal with the dodging and counter attacking.

Edit: In fact, I haven’t seen Garnet as much as I used to.

Yeah. Family’s have always been…
By missing a color, lacking synergy or lacking a tank component and so on.
Balance used to be a thing.

I guarantee you families will be meta.
I am supremely confident.
My reasoning is very simple.

They Are


You aren’t chasing one hero.
People are forking out thousands to chase several!
This is only the beginning

What will S5 bring? And new event 5*

In the first three fights you lost because you could not get rid of Elizabeths fiends fast enough and MN revived the heroes you killed. Against Liz you need two healers, Sabina and Melenfor would do the job and would dispell Crampus on top. Against Santa a Rigard would clean the def down. Sif is s great hero, but the christmas defenses are a bit passive. So Sif is not so efficient, same about Drake fong. His best feature is the blinding. To blind a Krampus is just without a real impact. Change Drake to Joon or Leonidas, substitute Mika and Sif with Melendor and Sabina or Melendor and Rigard. Kill MN as fast as possible. Then you will win…

Happy gaming


Percebi isso também. Uma grande parte dos jogadores que estão no top 100 tem essa formação realmente, e como vc falou, o pengi faz um estrago danado pela quantidade de Minions que são gerados, não tive a mesma sorte que você nas minhas experiências atacando essas equipes, fiquei bem longe de 50%.

It’s not possible that SGG are this bad at balancing their game so it must just be cynical greed. I have nearer to 0% success with these teams and I can put together 5000 point teams.

The Christmas family bonus seems built to feed Pengi. I assume they got plenty of money from people chasing the latest OP hero.

We know their playbook: soon we might get a counter hero to chase and then there will be a nerf or two.

They have no integrity, and no respect for the players or their own game.


Carol is still at 1/1 on my bench

No specific counters required. A good dispeller os mandatory and a good minion counter highly recommended. You are losing because your team build is wrong