Enjoy Telly while you can

Fwiw as someone who has Telly and was lucky enough to pull GM during Atlantis but with no Vela and only 4 maxed 5* as of today (Telly+4, Ursena+6, GM+4, Lepus+3), my Telly defense hasn’t fared so well in AW since the nerf.

If you don’t have Vela and GM, you’re probably better off not using Telly as tank since people are now figuring out all sorts of ways around her. Hell just the other day, I made short work of a Telly+4 tank even after she fired once because the flanks were Thorne+3 (lol) and Sumitomo+10, and I didn’t even stack red! (used Rigs-cTibs-Proteus-cMel-Hansel).

Since I recently maxed out Ursena and hoarded almost 600 sorcerer emblems, I’m going to try running her as tank and put Telly at flank instead and see how turns out.

I just rerolled 21 straight times and got a Telly tank every time. 17 times with at least 18 emblems. It’s ridiculous.


In addition to all above said - please, please, please set up your defense team to 1000 so I don’t have issues with filling up my Hero chest!
Thank you!


You’re misunderstanding. Nobody is saying the nerf didn’t have any effect at all, we are saying it didn’t have the intended effect.

The new version just means the top 10,000 Telluria users (yes, like me) are being shuffled around more than before, but they’re still there and still doing the same thing they were: dominating the raids after a certain cup level.

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And using my red heavy 4-1 against Telly/Vela post nerf I have an astronomical win rate… Wilbur+19, BK, 2x Guardian Kong and a prolonger in another colour to buy me time (often Delilah).

This way I can use one of the Kong’s for cleanse (Vela) while the other takes advantage of the +145% attack from Wilbur/BK and wipes everything out.

Definitely agree with this - I used her as a tank but I only levelled her because I had an offensive use for her.

It doesn’t stop me autoplaying harder levels because my Freya+Delilah combo is incredible at that, but it’s irritating - from an offensive POV I’d have rathered she lose the mana regen cut… But such is life.

I disagree with you vehemently on Vela, she was a huge part of the problem - but her problem was that she was too good in defence only and flanking a green tank only…
I’d have happily seen her gain things that would help her offensively to compensate for what she needed to lose defensively (a lower % elemental debuff to all enemies could’ve been fun).
Still, what’s done is done!

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THIS. A HUNDRED TIMES, THIS. Calling to bench a Hero because they are hard to beat or make things boring is, in my humble opinion, just silly. Before The Nerf? It WAS getting boring (I have her at T19, she was annoying to deal with, But she kept me at 27k+ cups so whatevs). I’ll give you that. After 'The Nerf That Shook The Empire(s)" Tell is very beatable.

What’s really boring to me (and I mean this with all due respect) is actively continuing this “discussion”.


I never cease to be amazed by how invested people are in letting others know the investment isn’t worth anything. Always thought that was funny.

Rushing in to tell you how you shouldn’t rush in. Talking endlessly about how it’s not worth talking about.

I always wonder what drives these type of people.

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Eh. In my case it’s because this topic is talked to death. To be fair my individual “investment” was very very small. Only 479 characters. I probably should have used an extra exclamation point in order to push the count to 480. But I just didn’t feel like “exclaiming”. As previously stated I feel the discussion is boring. But by all means carry on.

You think it’s a boring topic that has been discussed to death, yet you continue replying.

I think this forum is filled with boring topics, and yet I don’t find myself compelled to add my two cents into each of them to let them all know that.

Maybe I’m just strange in that.

LOL. Awesome burn. Also, great avatar. Love Carl.

Disagree with adjusting Telluria, but had to send appreciation for your specific post. : )

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I imagine this was the intended goal of the nerf – make Telly on par with other tanks rather than above them, but not worse than them.

You won’t see much drop in Telly usage unless top alliances move away from green tanks for wars.

Why do folks re-roll when they draw a Telluria team in raids? They aren’t that hard to beat. I’ve posted a few times now, that you can beat a 4600+ TP Telluria team, with all the usual suspects as the other 4 heroes (some variation of GM, Vela, JP, Finley, Jabber, Drake, Ursena…) and you can beat them with TC20 4* heroes, with modest troops and little to no emblems. Basically you can beat them with a team of 500-1000 less TP. Yes, you can.

Try using Rigard, try using a defense down hero, try using mana control.

And no, you don’t need to go mono, and you don’t need amazing boards.

There is no need to re-roll.

If more people got better at beating Telluria teams, then the natural evolution would be for people to stop using her as a tank.

She can be beat. And she can be beat with 4* TC20s…

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I remember reading the thread about beating Telluria-stacked teams with a lineup of 4* heros. It was a great read! Do you have the link to the thread? I want to bookmark it! I have been working on pieces of the team you recommend. This is what I was saying in my response a few days ago. Beating “any” Telluria-stacked team is the skill that we all need to learn! Thx!

They may not be “that hard” to beat… but when my goal is to fill a Hero Chest and I can click a button multiple times to eventually get a Richard tank instead of a Telluria tank, well… that fills my chest more quickly and reliably.

Given my roster, I can safely say that I have a much higher success rate against pretty much any other tank than Telluria, so giving myself an advantage in more quickly filling the Hero Chest is beneficial to me.

I have been building my roster to be better able to attack Telluria, but it isn’t at a place yet where I’m confident in beating her reliably, so until such time… food is cheap and plentiful for me, so why frustrate myself when I can instead enjoy myself? :slight_smile: Quite simple, really.

Good gaming!

Link me to your posts, I am curious

You’re confident a modestly emblemed Tiburtus or Gormek can charge in time - and survive?

This is a luxury item not found in TC20

You don’t need amazing boards but you sure do need some above average boards

I don’t doubt it can be done but I think you are overstating (or if not, implying a highish) win rate of 4* heroes vs Telly.

What win rate are you suggesting exactly?

Thought this was a bit of a strange comment.

I mean it’s not like @Sarah2 is going to show bad faith by pretending she has more cups than she has. Bit of a big assumption to make.

FWIW here’s my cup dropping defence team. It goes as low as 2400-2500

I probably run into Telluria 6/10 times. It’s a tad better after the nerf, but I still see her around. Pre-nerf it was probably 8.5/10.

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Read the rest of the exchange before replying.

Whoa, such unnecessary passive-aggressive title. Didn’t you Telluria haters do enough evil already?

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I resigned from using Telluria as my regular tank, simply because she did not hold the cups crazily around 2800 anymore after the nerf (which is something I am very much fine with). Still use her for war as most of my alliance has redistributed the emblems to form Telluria defenses, like most alliances probably. Holding about 50% of my defenses there.

Imho reason why we still see so many Tellurias is that it is too tedious to move the emblems around if they are at 15+ level simply to experiment, there’s also no incentive to tryhard on defense too much because over 2600, and when you have over 30 maxed legendary heroes to choose from to counter almost any team, board randomness is the decisive factor in the games.

I sound like broken record but I honestly think something must be done with the emblems for the game to regain its diversity.

This is what I’m logging into usually:

And my defense:

(shoutout to @IvyTheTerrible - we talked about red tank with Zeline flank experiments - so this is what I ultimately ended up with :wink: )