Empires & Puzzles S2: The 101 Atlantis Pulls + the 9 Bonus Ascension Chest Loots!

Brilliant as usual, dear.

And what do you think I should do finding out that the rates for the 5* event hero summons weren’t applied on my pulls?

If at 1.3% I received 4 Aegirs (bonus draw)
If at 1.5% I received 12 Legendaries heroes
It was at 1% I received only 1 legendary event hero, when I should have received … three, at minimum!


A friend of mine suggested that I issue a ticket.
I did not… will not.

Heart: How can I distrust some people 1% … while at the same time adore and love them 100%?
Mind: Numbers don’t lie, … trust this , it is your profession.

Pause …

I don’t know what do.
Let me know.

But, getting this out from my chest, … what a relief!