Emblems to Seshat or on my yellow tank?

Yep, that’s me, the Danza tank guy! Thanks for the callout, @IvyTheTerrible. I missed this thread.

I do think Ivy gets to the crux of the biscuit here:

Now, when I was tanking with Danza, it was because I really had no other viable options. Maybe Gormek. And this was, at first, before emblems were a thing. You have Li Xiu, and she’s a much better regarded yellow tank. Her maxed stats - without emblems - are reasonably comparable to Danza, and she has a reliable special vs. a random one. Plus, if you aren’t really doing anything with those monk emblems, she might be the better choice.

That said, you have a ways to go before you get Li maxed, and you’ve already gotten Danza to final ascension, so using him saves you some time and orbs. And, as was mentioned, the evade talent is a natural fit for a tank, since you get a chance to dodge those tank-busting sniper specials. As for the emblem stat boosts, this was how my Danza +19 looked with an all def/HP path before I reset him to emblem Domitia.

If you are willing to commit emblems to him, he can be a hearty and hard-to-hit little bugger. And my feeling is that people underestimate him, so maybe they don’t stack against him as often as they would a better regarded tank like Li Xiu. They just assume he will throw the snowflake and make for an easy fight - and sometimes he will, allowing them to throw tile damage at him at will with no consequences. But sometimes, he’ll throw the swords or the bottle, and then the attacker can be in trouble if they haven’t properly prepared. Problematically, you can’t really “see” how Danza does when being attacked on defense, but @Sternman pretty succinctly summed up how I have it envisioned here:

I know he kept me reliably in high platinum for a good while until I finally got a more traditional tank, but he can certainly hold down the fort for your yellow tank alliance in the interim.