Emblems for Wilbur or Wu

So, as topic name suggest should I give emblems to Wilbur or to Wu, especially if I have them both in a same team (attacking in war / raid or in defensive team).

In fact, Wu already use emblems (have 7 at the moment), but I today maxed Wilbur so the right question is should I continue with Wu upgraded with emblems or it’s better to take emblems of him and give them to Wilbur?

I went Wu, as I use him more on titans.

I use Wilbur more on quests, events, and raiding, but I feel Titan performance rewards more, and I think Wu offers a better opportunity for higher scores.

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definitely Winbur
he can help keep you alive on the hard titans


I put mine on Wu. My decision came down to usage. I use Wu on all Titans. Wilbur’s only used on some

I would start with Wu, but personally I’ve been giving them both emblems. I use both of them often.

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Agreed with Shallab - will work on Wu first as he’s always on my list for Titans.
Wilbur - his skill just too good not to up his classes to 5* stats.

Upper both Classes.

Good luck!


I’ve just stole emblems from Chao (had 9 talents) and gave them to Lianna for only 3 talents, but also lost 12 emblems and 21 gems for reset (don’t regret for that, just saying)…

But that was easy decision, this is difficult one because I use Wu for titans but Wilbur is good for raid and defense team at war…

Also, right now I have Boldtusk in defense team (with 10 talents) and I have to find a way how to have both of them (two red heroes) in a team and who to kick out (Boril with 10 emblema as a tank or Wu who is good for attack as I have nearly maxed Quintus)… What an agony of choices…:lol:

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Had the same dilemma and have given my emblems on Wilbur. Reason being he is on my defense team.

I used to use Wu Kong more in the past, but now he’s really just my titan boy. Quite annoying these 11 star titans one hit him though, so once I replace Wilbur with my ongoing Zimkitha project, I’ll strongly consider moving the emblems to Wu for survivability.

I have Khagan as red 5* hero, but for now I’m not sure I’ll level him at level 4, because I’m not sure he is quite good hero to spend rings on him, although I have six of them…

I think I’ll wait for some other red 5* hero and Wilbur will be my red defensive hero for some time…

Wilbur for me.he is a 5* in a 4* body.he is a unique hero

I’ve started working multiple 4* in a couple of classes. Grimm/Gormek for example.

Probably I will leave Wu with this 7 talents and start giving new monk emblems to Wilbur further…

And what do you think about Khagan - is it worth leveling him to the last level especially now when I have Wilbur at 4/70?

Also I have similar but lesser dilemma should I leave emblems to Kashrek (9 talents) or to give them to Proteus (he is now 3/60 and waiting trap tools).

I’ve used Kashrek in defensive team during war /raid but I’ve switched him today with Lianna maxed and with three talents - is it good move (I have Boril with 10 talents as tank and BT with 9 talents/Sabina with 8 talents as healer)…

Kash is great until certain lvl approx 2100-2200 trophies and after that average player will have/use 5* tank. And once you remove kash from your team you simply have no need for him further down the line.
So my vote goes to very useful proteus.

Yes, I’ve already removed Kash from raid/war teams but emblems are still there as I still don’t have anyone to give them.

I’ll talk about this based on my experience when fighting Ursena (especially hard mode).

I brought Wu along but he’s not much help. He did help, during the phase 1 battle, the normal boss battle, which any tiles combo are useful to damage her. But during the phase 2 battle, titan style battle, Wu didn’t help as we need to try as much as we can to hit Ursena at her critical spot so she stunned and will not be able to attack your heroes during that turn. With Wu’s special activated, some of the tiles that we need to hit her critical spot might missed, Ursena not stunned, so she will attack your heroes, with a very heavy damage.

This is when Wilbur or Aegir come in handy. I don’t have Wilbur, but I used Aegir. The damage sharing really helped to reduce damage received from Ursena, especially when we can’t get tiles to hit her critical spot. I manage to win against her in hard mode with 3 maxed 4* and 2 maxed 5* with 2 times of gem continue.

I stripped Wilbur of his emblems once Wu reached 4/70 and dumped them all into Wu. Both are staples of my Titan team, but Wu is just too squishy.

Wilbur all the way. Wilbur allows everyone to survive against nasty titans. Plus that -44% is killer!

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