Embleming three-stars for new challenge events?

That thought crossed my mind as well at first.
But after a night of sleep, i think it is a little too early to act in that way.
I mean, 3* raidT were supposed to provide with huge rewards as well at first. Reality hit like a truck on that one :joy:

I will wait for the official release before deciding if the rewards stay the same and the emblems can make a difference in achieving a better ranking.


Touche. Hard to argue that one.

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I donā€™t see a need to do this. I can finish the events on all difficulties but donā€™t have any 3* heroes that are emblemed. I actually am happy with the new loot since I have started doing the events from legendary then epic then rare since rare loot was not really useful except the WE flasks. I will be thrilled to now get mats from the events even at the rare level.
I only hope that while they are increasing the number of levels to 15 up from 10, that the bosses donā€™t get harder. The legendary bosses are able to be beat but they do still present a challenge so I donā€™t want to lose those mats either.

@Noble_Weasel, all of that sounds feasible except embleming Tuck. I just canā€™t see the benefit of that, unless you have an over abundance? Sorry, Iā€™m just not a fan, even though he could be useful in a rush attack tournamentā€¦I still wouldnā€™t do it. Every time I looked at his fat, jolly, emblemed Face Iā€™d get angry :joy:

Plus who knows if the rewards are even worth it? Plus Iā€™ve beaten many an over emblemed 3* with my Un-emblemed attack stack

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Sometimes, I wonder why I havenā€™t fed him away yet. Nostalgia, maybe. He was my first healer after Sharon.


Iā€™m so glad my first 3* healer was Belith. Sheā€™s so pleasant to look at. I wouldā€™ve been angry too if I had to take the fat friar to every 3* raid lol.

On topic, I agree itā€™s a bad idea to emblem 3*. Tourneys loot isnā€™t worth it. Iā€™d rather emblem every 4* so I could use them in 4* and 5* tourneys.

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Sure he is tanky, AÅ” long as his not dispelled. Considering there are 3 attractive dispel heroes on the 3* board heā€™s easily countered since his talent will get dispelled along with the skill. Gil-Ra is in my opinion the best tank in 3* tournaments. Not only is she tanky but if emblems are maxed she has a great chance to pull off the first skill, reducing both attack and defense of the whole enemy lineup. Probably a cakewalk to take down the whole team after that when the enemy have -50 Mana reg.
But you shouldnā€™t underestimate Gunnar. I like to keep Kailani aswell just in case of color limitations.
Other than that I couldnā€™t advice anything other than fast skill nukers with few extra perks such as Gato with the Ailment immunity and Mnessus with the dispel. Melia is probably the best 3* in lineup with a few nukers with her massive AoE skill buffing increased crit for the whole team and that being a ā€œFast Skillā€ too makes her a pretty sweet addition to any team of 3*