Emblem path for Sumle

Hi guys, which emblem path do I take for Sumle? :slight_smile:

This one!

Pure damage, bay-bee! Makes him even more of a nuke-monster! :smiley: (And defense takes priority over health when the opportunities present themselves.)

I didn’t bother with the mana node at 20… doesn’t make a difference in tourneys due to lack of mana troops for 4-star heroes, etc.

Good gaming!


thank you, that totally makes sense :smiley:
I was wondering would taking the bonus health & defence help make a significant difference in keeping Sumle alive (as my most notable healer is Frosty, and I dont usually use him-so mostly i play without a healer😭)

ftp need I mention :partying_face:

My philosophy is along these lines: If the hero is not normally a strong attack (think someone like Buddy) but you will benefit greatly from them living long enough to fire their special twice instead of once, then go with defense path.

But if the hero deals HEAPS OF DAMAGE already (like Sumle does), then PILE IT ON! Dead enemies deal no damage! :wink:

Good gaming!


Just today finished him, and then I think go ahead for attack/shield as friends said.

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my Sumle is on final ascension lvl66- training camps working non stop so I hope to give her those monk emblems asap (I have stashed 476 so far)

I love my Sumle, I use him on a team with boldtusk, Mist and Grimm. Teams go bye bye.

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thank you, I recently got Boldtusk but didn’t level him up- sounds like a plan :smiley:

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Yep, Wilbur, Bolstusk, Sumle…boom boom boom, see you later alligator, even Gormek instead Wilbur… Last war Gormek+8, Boldy+3, Sumle(3/60), Elena C +4, Scarlett+7 kills a full 5* 4500 power

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Here he is, all set and ready​:partying_face::partying_face: