Emblem offers more frequent?

Hello everyone, we had emblems offers two times in a row it seems, are these kind of offers more frequent now ?

Do you have any information?

What do you think about these do you take them ?Empire puzzle offer.PNG


There were different offers.
Follow the print of yesterday’s offer.

I don’t know about the current frequency … but want monk emblems kkkkkkk


Yes It is the first time I see it two times in a row


There might be more emblems offers, but while other sources in-game (tournaments, chests, etc) were increased, these offers weren’t. So you are in fact getting “less emblems” (the offer is the same, but compared to other sources) than before. - edit: picture in OP is outdated!

Cost analysis of Magpies’ emblem boutique from last year:

Yes. Snatch those babies up!

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I disagree? The Tier 1 offer used to be 5/5 embs, now it’s 15/15. The Tier 2 offer used to be 15/15, now it’s 45/45.


Thx, I didn’t think to check recent activity to see if it was the same offer or not. It’s not the same so it’s not a glitch. Like a lot of players I need those emblems bad, and wish SG would lower the crazy amount needed for 5* heroes instead of just giving and selling more of them. That’s the balance they need to fix any dominant hero situation. Players know Telluria gets the job done so why potentially waste resources on a hero that might not. Unless that’s the sales pitch. Thx again.

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You are right, it’s my mistake :man_facepalming: sorry - I thought that the image in OP is the current one and didn’t verify it in-game (and I pretty much ignore all those in-game pop-ups)

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