Elradir is failing

Elradir is not repaying me for altered state damages. It is not the first time that I have noticed, so this time I have made screenshots. I have activated it at 2 different times, and nothing. One time I already had fire damage and I duspated it later, and another time I already had the reflection bonus before and they cast burn on me afterwards. On no occasion did it reflect anything. Does anyone know something?

Record a video… impossible to tell what is going on with screenshots.

I’ve used elradir extensively and never seen him not reflect a burn


It doesn’t reflect the ailment, and the only way to notice is that Elradir isn’t taking damage but the entire other team is.

As suggested, a video is needed.


It also happened to me yesterday through the war, my Elradir burned, I fired a special attack and continued to burn without the opponent receiving damage. I don’t have a photo or video but next time I’ll do it again.

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Have asked staff to look at this.


I can confirm I have experienced the same. Elradir did not reflect and DoT 3 times in one battle during last war. That is most probably the reason why I lost that battle. It worked well before.

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In the screenshots you can see perfectly how Elradir has his reflection icon activated and how he is burning, and it also you can see the rivals are not burning. Apart from that I displayed its file and you can also see all the abilities and states activated in the list.

The burning icon will stay on Elradir. It’s the damage he reflects, not the status ailment. So the pictures show what should be happening, we can’t see any anomaly there.

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True. I did not realize that this was not visible in the screenshots. I’ve been using Elradir in raids and he hasn’t given me any trouble again. I don’t know what must have happened in the war.

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Hi @Serendipia, could you please send us a support ticket about this? Please provide the date and time that it happened, screenshots and a video if possible.

Here are the instructions on how to contact How to contact Support? — Empires & Puzzles Help Center

Thanks in advance! :slightly_smiling_face:

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