Elemental or Epic

And previous HOTM chance

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Slightly off topic, if allready answered didn’t notice it on first read.
Are the odds the same for heroes on epic and legendary?
Just mentioned the thread in my new alliance with a lot of new players and was just wondering.
Thanks and have fun.

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Not sure if I misunderstood what is being asked here, but in case it’s useful for anyone… when you have the summon portal open, you can click the little “i” in the upper-left corner to get more info on the summoning odds:

Epic Hero Summon:

Elemental Summon:

As shown, Elemental gives you a 2.5% chance for a 5* compared to just 1.5% for Epic. Both have a 1.3% chance for the HOTM.

Good gaming!


I forgot about the “i”, and thanks again for the reminder.
Have fun.

The Atlantis portal can be used by any player, but only during the Atlantis Rises event at the end of the month.

  • If you need a particular color, Elemental
  • Otherwise Atlantis
  • Elemental if you’re weak on specific element
  • Otherwise wait for Atlantis, costs 50 gems more per summon (or 400 per ten) but you get a shot at a better hero and you get that chest with at least one (unfarmable I believe) ascension mat per 10 summons.

Really, use epic summon only with EHT and only if you’re really trying to get that month HOTM and there is no seasonal summon that month.

But would you recommend Atlantis for new players, considering that Atlantis pulls include the regular epic summon.
I believe that elemental is better while you’re building your first teams.
Hopefully you dont waste too much time leveling 2*'s and start early on rainbow 3’s.
Have fun.

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Every hero in the Elemental gate is available through a training camp, through the Seasonal summon gates, through the Epic gate (which tokens pull on), and through Atlantis.

Atlantis heroes are only available through the Atlantis gate, as are past HOTM.

So unless you’re in a rush to fill out a particular color with Season 1 heroes, I’d advise doing pulls on Atlantis. The Atlantis 4* include some of the best 4* in the game (Wilbur and Proteus), along with some really decent Atlantis-only 4* (Triton, Gadeirus, Danzaburo). And many of the 3* are very strong too like Mnesseus and Melia.


Ok what is HOTM short for and how do you tell which color your weak on? Do you go by their smaller stats for the yellow, red, blue and green guys on the defense team or what? Still learning here. Thanks for all the replies, slowly learning here and will wait 4 more days. Got a little over 300 gems for now and only 36 Atlantis coins.

You should read what OP has posted 1st, OP has already 1 good rainbow team (minumum *3).

@Tplat1969, Hero of the month

Mostly you want several leveled Rainbow teams of 3-4*. So if you are short on an specific element you may want to summon when that elemental hero is available

P.S If you are just starting out concentrate on leveling at least 3-4 teams of 3* heroes. These will help with Alliance Wars, Titans and the map. Plus they do not require higher ascension materials so are pretty fast to level. After you have a comfortable roster of 3* start working on 4*. You should have enough AM by that time to fully level some of your 4*

HOTM = Heroes of The Month, now is Seshat (purple), nice fast snipper/hitter.

For my alliance, In the past I already said to my members to have patience and save gems up to 3000, and do 10xpulls in Atlantis, and the result… she get Proteus and Wilbur in 10xpull. I’m not saying that is guaranteed, but you already have good heroes to work (leveling). So there are no need to hurry doing pull more.

Hello again,
I was asking because i just started a new alliance with a friend and lots of the active players followed.
About half are new to the game, the best hero they have is Bane plus most got some 5*'s. And nothing in between but 2*s.
Did mentioned not to try to level the 5’s yet.
Atlantis comes but once a month, patience, if you remenber your beginning is somewhat lacking.
Under those circumstances which should i recommend.
Personally i think Elemental.
Thanks for taking the time to enlighten me.
Have fun.

Unrelated question
I finishing some 4’s (4/60 and above)and they need 2500 exp and more,
How much exp a 5 need in their last few levels?

Is it worth converting one of your buildings to a barracks?

One word twenty times. Yes!!!
Have fun.

Yes, and community prefer always use forge, because others have valueable.

Another question, is it worth it in a level 10 training camp to skip holy research and do rare or lower rarity heros first?

I’d recommend waiting for level 11 training for the next one to research, since that one is extra cheap and lets you store recruits.

Level 10 only has a chance at 3*s, if you need the 3*s that badly then level 12 and 13 are better.

Is it worth it doing the advanced training for a rare or lower rarity hero and is there a guide or chart showing the various hero levels and stats?

Let your resources and momentum dictate your choices and progress. If you have not started the research, I would say no unless you have an abundance of food and are F2P. If you are summoning heroes with gems (C2P/P2P), you’ll get plenty of 3s and 4s. You don’t have to research every level of the training camp but you do need to get it up to 11. Research 1-4, 11 and 19-20.

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