Elemental Chest Frequency - days tracking and results > estimated between 4 to 16 days

09/26/2021 Holy Chest
Raid slot, 9 days apart.
Disappointing, it’s been over 2 months (9 elemental chests) since my last 4* mat.


Nature chest in raid slot… last 17 days ago no 4* mats but not terrible either


11 days,…

:hash: Date DSL Elm Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key: :tickets:
1 01-05 15 Holy Monst DBlade - - - 40 5 50 RE T2 1 3
2 01-09 4 Holy Monst - TrapT - - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 3
3 01-24 15 Holy Monst Rings Glove - - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
4 02-06 13 Dark Monst Rings Comp - - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 3
5 02-14 8 Dark Monst - Cape - - 30 2 30 WE T1 1 6
6 02-24 10 Ice Monst - Cape
- - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 6
7 03-11 15 Ice Titan DBlade Shield 1 - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
8 03-16 5 Dark Monst - Cape 1 - 20 5 30 TE T2 1 6
9 04-02 19 Holy Monst - Orb 1 1 20 10 30 WE T1 1 3
10 04-07 5 Nature Raid - Blade
1 - 30 20 30 RE T1 1 3
11 04-21 14 Dark Monst - Shield
- - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 6
12 04-30 9 Dark Raid - Shield - - 40 5 30 TE T1 1 6
13 05-04 4 Dark Raid Scope - - 1 30 2 50 TE T1 1 6
14 05-16 12 Fire Monst - Comp
- - 40 5 30 WE T1 1 6
15 05-28 12 Ice Monst - Blade
- - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
16 06-11 14 Dark Monst - Shield
1 - 20 10 50 RE T1 1 6
17 06-22 11 Holy Raid - Cape
2 - 50 5 50 TE T1 1 3
18 06-29 7 Ice Monst - - - - 40 3 50 RE T1 1 6
19 07-09 10 Ice Monst - Blade 3 - 50 5 30 TE T1 1 6
20 07-15 6 Ice Monst Dart TrapT 1 - 50 3 30 RE T1 2 3
21 07-24 9 Holy Raid - Blade
1 - 50 5 30 WE T2 2 3
22 08-02 9 Dark Monst DBlade Glove - - 30 5 30 RE T1 1 -
23 08-11 9 Ice Monst - Shield
- - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 6
24 08-17 6 Dark Monst Tabard - - - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 3
25 08-22 5 Nature Monst - Blade
2 - 50 10 30 RE T2 1 3
26 08-29 7 Ice Raid - Blade
- - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
27 09-06 8 Holy Monst - - - 1 50 10 30 RE T2 1 6
28 09-11 5 Dark Raid - Blade 1 - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 -
29 09-18 7 Nature Raid - - - - 50 10 50 RE T1 1 6
30 09-29 11 Fire Raid - Shield 1 0 30 5 50 RE T1 1 6
Header Meaning
Date Format with MM-DD = Month and Days
DSL Day Since Last
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:postal_horn: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. T1 = trainer 1*, T2 = trainer 2*,T3 = trainer 3*
:old_key: Costume Keys
:tickets: Tickets
2020 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-01-05 9 Fire Titan - TrapT - - 40 3 - 20 WE T1 x
2 2020-01-17 12 Nature Raid - Blade - - 30 10 - 20 WE T1 1
3 2020-01-26 9 Ice Monster - - - 1 30 10 - 10 TE T2 1
4 2020-02-02 7 Holy Raid - Orb, Shield - - 30 20 - 20 RE T1 1
5 2020-02-10 8 Dark Monster Damascus - 1 - 40 10 - 10 RE T2 1
6 2020-02-20 10 Nature Raid Tome Blade - - 30 5 - 10 RE T2 1
7 2020-03-01 10 Fire Monster - Blade, Blade - - 40 5 - 20 TE T1 1
8 2020-03-06 5 Nature Raid Rings - - 1 30 5 - 10 TE T2 1
9 2020-03-19 13 Nature Monster - Cape 1 - 20 5 - 10 TE T1 3
10 2020-03-30 11 Nature Monster - Blade - - 50 x 5 10 RE T3 1
11 2020-04-03 4 Holy Monster Tonic Compas - - 20 x 5 20 WE T3 1
12 2020-04-12 9 Fire Raid - TrapT,Orb - 1 30 x 5 30 TE T1 1
13 2020-04-19 7 Nature Raid Tonic Cape 1 1 20 x 5 10 RE T1 1
14 2020-05-01 12 Holy Monster - Blade,Cape - - 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
15 2020-05-14 13 Holy Monster - Glove,TrapT 2 - 50 x 5 10 WE T1 1
16 2020-05-23 9 Ice Monster - Glove,Orb 1 - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
17 2020-06-06 14 Fire Titan - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
18 2020-06-14 8 Holy Titan - Orb,Shield - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
19 2020-06-18 4 Nature Raid - Orb,Blade - 1 20 x 5 10 TE T1 1
20 2020-07-02 14 Nature Titan Tome Glove - - 20 x 10 10 WE T1 1
21 2020-07-16 14 Ice Raid - Shield,Blade - - 40 x 5 10 WE T1 1
22 2020-07-31 15 Ice Raid - - - - 40 x 10 10 WE T1 1
23 2020-08-12 12 Holy Monster - Glove,Shield - - 30 x 10 10 TE T1 1
24 2020-08-16 4 Ice Monster - Compass,Orb - - 30 x 5 20 TE T2 1
25 2020-08-22 6 Nature Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 3 10 RE T2 1
26 2020-08-27 5 Fire Monster - Orb,Glove 2 1 50 x 5 50 WE T3 1
27 2020-09-08 12 Holy Monster - TrapT - 1 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
28 2020-09-14 6 Ice Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 5 20 RE T1 1
29 2020-09-25 11 Nature Monster Tome - - - 30 x 5 10 WE T1 1
30 2020-10-04 9 Fire Monster - Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
31 2020-10-14 10 Fire Monster - TrapT - - 40 x 3 30 RE T1 1
32 2020-10-22 8 Ice Raid - Glove,Compass - - 40 x 5 50 WE T1 1
33 2020-11-01 10 Fire Raid - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 RE T2 3
34 2020-11-13 12 Holy Monster - Shield - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
35 2020-11-25 12 Holy Monster Damascus Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
36 2020-11-30 5 Dark Raid - Glove - - 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
37 2020-12-05 5 Dark Monster - Cape 1 - 40 x 10 30 TE T3 2
38 2020-12-09 4 Fire Raid - Glove - - 40 x 5 30 WE T2 1
39 2020-12-21 12 Fire Raid Scope TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
2019 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-06-01 x Nature Raid - Cape - - 40 3 10 WE T1
2 2019-06-11 10 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 - 30 5 10 WE T1
3 2019-07-02 21 Holy Raid - TrapT, TrapT - - 40 10 10 WE T1
4 2019-07-18 16 Nature Monster Damascus - - 1 30 10 10 TE T1
5 2019-07-30 12 Dark Raid - Shield 1 - 50 30 30 TE T1
6 2019-08-12 13 Ice Monster - Blade, Orb - - 30 5 10 WE T1
7 2019-08-16 4 Holy Raid - Blade 1 - 30 10 50 WE T2
8 2019-08-28 12 Nature Monster - Compass - - 20 3 50 RE T1
9 2019-08-31 3 Ice Raid - Compass, Orb 1 - 30 5 30 TE T1
10 2019-09-10 10 Fire Raid - Cape, Blade 1 - 30 5 20 TE T1
11 2019-09-17 7 Nature Raid - - 1 - 30 5 10 TE T1
12 2019-09-27 10 Holy Titan - TrapT, Orb 1 - 30 5 10 RE T1
13 2019-10-04 7 Nature Monster - - - - 30 5 10 WE T3
14 2019-10-19 15 Holy Raid - Cape - 2 30 2 10 RE T1
15 2019-10-28 9 Ice Monster - Blade - - 30 20 20 WE T2
16 2019-11-06 9 Holy Raid - TrapT, Compass 1 - 30 10 10 RE T1
17 2019-11-11 5 Dark Raid - Gloves - - 30 20 20 WE T2
18 2019-11-20 9 Nature Monster - - - - 30 20 20 WE T2
19 2019-11-30 10 Holy Raid - TrapT, Gloves - 1 30 10 10 WE T1
20 2019-12-11 11 Holy Raid - Blade, TrapT - 1 40 3 10 RE T3
21 2019-12-17 6 Dark Raid - - - - 40 2 10 RE T1
22 2019-12-27 10 Dark Monster - Orbs, Cape - 1 30 10 20 TE T1

30 Sep, Holy chest
Raids slot, 5 days apart

EHT :+1: 50 emblems :+1::+1:


Green chest in my raid slot 7 days later. Great loot!


Wowza, congrats on your super nice elemental chest @leejow! :+1::+1::star_struck:

1 Like

I’ll start to put mine as I never remember how many days passed between them. Ice one, not the best I received. I like 40 gems and symbols.


Welcome to this thread @raistlin76. :slightly_smiling_face:

I like getting a lot of gems too. :wink:

1 Like

Some great loot I don’t think I’ve ever gotten 2 4* mats in any of my element chests

1 Like

This was a first for me as well, I’ve been getting pretty crappy loot the last months but chests like this evens out the numbers I guess :slight_smile:


12 days… holy chest in raid slot


Missed a few chests this week, but still got one in a relatively good amount of time.

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :fire: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1
18 5/27 7 :green_circle: Raid - Orb, Blade 40 2 - 6 50 Raid 1 10 1
19 5/31 4 :fire: Monster Dblade Cape 40 1 - 6 30 Titan 1 10 1
20 6/5 5 :ice_cube: Monster Darts Blade 30 - 1 3 30 Raid 2 2 1
21 6/17 12 :purple_circle: Raid - Compass 50 1 1 3 50 World 1 5 1
22 6/26 9 :green_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 40 2 - 3 30 World 1 5 1
23 7/6 10 :purple_circle: Monster - Orb, Cape 50 - - 3 30 Titan 2 10 1
24 7/14 8 :yellow_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 50 1 - 6 30 World 1 2 1
25 7/18 4 :yellow_circle: Monster Darts Shield 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 10 2
26 7/28 10 :fire: Raid Tabard, Scope - 40 - - 6 30 Raid 2 10 1
27 8/1 4 :ice_cube: Raid Telescope Tools 50 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
28 8/6 5 :fire: Monster Tonic Orb 30 1 - 3 50 Titan 1 10 1
29 8/13 7 :yellow_circle: Monster - Tools 30 - 1 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
30 8/19 6 :fire: Raid - Shield 30 - 2 6 30 World 1 3 1
31 8/26 7 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade, Blade 30 - 1 6 30 Raid 2 10 1
32 9/3 8 :purple_circle: Raid - Blade 20 - - 6 30 Raid 3 5 1
33 9/9 6 :fire: Raid Dblade Shield 30 1 1 3 30 Titan 1 5 1
34 9/15 6 :yellow_circle: Monster - Blade, Shield 20 1 - 3 30 World 1 5 1
35 9/24 9 :fire: Raid - Blade, Shield 30 1 - 6 30 World 1 10 1
36 10/4 10 :fire: Raid - Orb 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 3 1

10/05/2021 Dark chest
Monster slot, 9 days apart.
#10 elemental chest is the charm, got a 4* mat . :star_struck:


5 days later another green chest in my raid slot. Decent loot, as im short on daggers.


Ice chest in raid slot last 8 days ago
Not the greatest of loot :roll_eyes:


10 October, Fire chest
Raids slot, 10 days apart

Tome :heart_eyes: 50 gems :heart_eyes: Druid emblems :smile:


10/10/2021 Dark Chest
5 days apart, monster chest.


Loots from elemental chests are terrible these days.

9 out of 10 times, the only thing worth noting is gem and emblems. Otherwise it is most likely just 3* items + grey tokens… :sob:


6 days… dark chest in monster slot. Loots are reasonable but at this stage of the game, most of the loots are just useless to me. As expected, no gold coins and no 4* items.



12 days,…

:hash: Date DSL Elm Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key: :tickets:
1 01-05 15 Holy Monst DBlade - - - 40 5 50 RE T2 1 3
2 01-09 4 Holy Monst - TrapT - - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 3
3 01-24 15 Holy Monst Rings Glove - - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
4 02-06 13 Dark Monst Rings Comp - - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 3
5 02-14 8 Dark Monst - Cape - - 30 2 30 WE T1 1 6
6 02-24 10 Ice Monst - Cape
- - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 6
7 03-11 15 Ice Titan DBlade Shield 1 - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
8 03-16 5 Dark Monst - Cape 1 - 20 5 30 TE T2 1 6
9 04-02 19 Holy Monst - Orb 1 1 20 10 30 WE T1 1 3
10 04-07 5 Nature Raid - Blade
1 - 30 20 30 RE T1 1 3
11 04-21 14 Dark Monst - Shield
- - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 6
12 04-30 9 Dark Raid - Shield - - 40 5 30 TE T1 1 6
13 05-04 4 Dark Raid Scope - - 1 30 2 50 TE T1 1 6
14 05-16 12 Fire Monst - Comp
- - 40 5 30 WE T1 1 6
15 05-28 12 Ice Monst - Blade
- - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
16 06-11 14 Dark Monst - Shield
1 - 20 10 50 RE T1 1 6
17 06-22 11 Holy Raid - Cape
2 - 50 5 50 TE T1 1 3
18 06-29 7 Ice Monst - - - - 40 3 50 RE T1 1 6
19 07-09 10 Ice Monst - Blade 3 - 50 5 30 TE T1 1 6
20 07-15 6 Ice Monst Dart TrapT 1 - 50 3 30 RE T1 2 3
21 07-24 9 Holy Raid - Blade
1 - 50 5 30 WE T2 2 3
22 08-02 9 Dark Monst DBlade Glove - - 30 5 30 RE T1 1 -
23 08-11 9 Ice Monst - Shield
- - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 6
24 08-17 6 Dark Monst Tabard - - - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 3
25 08-22 5 Nature Monst - Blade
2 - 50 10 30 RE T2 1 3
26 08-29 7 Ice Raid - Blade
- - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
27 09-06 8 Holy Monst - - - 1 50 10 30 RE T2 1 6
28 09-11 5 Dark Raid - Blade 1 - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 -
29 09-18 7 Nature Raid - - - - 50 10 50 RE T1 1 6
30 09-29 11 Fire Raid - Shield 1 - 30 5 50 RE T1 1 6
31 10-11 12 Holy Titan - Orb
- 1 30 3 30 WE T1 1 3
Header Meaning
Date Format with MM-DD = Month and Days
DSL Day Since Last
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:postal_horn: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. T1 = trainer 1*, T2 = trainer 2*,T3 = trainer 3*
:old_key: Costume Keys
:tickets: Tickets
2020 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-01-05 9 Fire Titan - TrapT - - 40 3 - 20 WE T1 x
2 2020-01-17 12 Nature Raid - Blade - - 30 10 - 20 WE T1 1
3 2020-01-26 9 Ice Monster - - - 1 30 10 - 10 TE T2 1
4 2020-02-02 7 Holy Raid - Orb, Shield - - 30 20 - 20 RE T1 1
5 2020-02-10 8 Dark Monster Damascus - 1 - 40 10 - 10 RE T2 1
6 2020-02-20 10 Nature Raid Tome Blade - - 30 5 - 10 RE T2 1
7 2020-03-01 10 Fire Monster - Blade, Blade - - 40 5 - 20 TE T1 1
8 2020-03-06 5 Nature Raid Rings - - 1 30 5 - 10 TE T2 1
9 2020-03-19 13 Nature Monster - Cape 1 - 20 5 - 10 TE T1 3
10 2020-03-30 11 Nature Monster - Blade - - 50 x 5 10 RE T3 1
11 2020-04-03 4 Holy Monster Tonic Compas - - 20 x 5 20 WE T3 1
12 2020-04-12 9 Fire Raid - TrapT,Orb - 1 30 x 5 30 TE T1 1
13 2020-04-19 7 Nature Raid Tonic Cape 1 1 20 x 5 10 RE T1 1
14 2020-05-01 12 Holy Monster - Blade,Cape - - 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
15 2020-05-14 13 Holy Monster - Glove,TrapT 2 - 50 x 5 10 WE T1 1
16 2020-05-23 9 Ice Monster - Glove,Orb 1 - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
17 2020-06-06 14 Fire Titan - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
18 2020-06-14 8 Holy Titan - Orb,Shield - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
19 2020-06-18 4 Nature Raid - Orb,Blade - 1 20 x 5 10 TE T1 1
20 2020-07-02 14 Nature Titan Tome Glove - - 20 x 10 10 WE T1 1
21 2020-07-16 14 Ice Raid - Shield,Blade - - 40 x 5 10 WE T1 1
22 2020-07-31 15 Ice Raid - - - - 40 x 10 10 WE T1 1
23 2020-08-12 12 Holy Monster - Glove,Shield - - 30 x 10 10 TE T1 1
24 2020-08-16 4 Ice Monster - Compass,Orb - - 30 x 5 20 TE T2 1
25 2020-08-22 6 Nature Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 3 10 RE T2 1
26 2020-08-27 5 Fire Monster - Orb,Glove 2 1 50 x 5 50 WE T3 1
27 2020-09-08 12 Holy Monster - TrapT - 1 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
28 2020-09-14 6 Ice Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 5 20 RE T1 1
29 2020-09-25 11 Nature Monster Tome - - - 30 x 5 10 WE T1 1
30 2020-10-04 9 Fire Monster - Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
31 2020-10-14 10 Fire Monster - TrapT - - 40 x 3 30 RE T1 1
32 2020-10-22 8 Ice Raid - Glove,Compass - - 40 x 5 50 WE T1 1
33 2020-11-01 10 Fire Raid - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 RE T2 3
34 2020-11-13 12 Holy Monster - Shield - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
35 2020-11-25 12 Holy Monster Damascus Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
36 2020-11-30 5 Dark Raid - Glove - - 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
37 2020-12-05 5 Dark Monster - Cape 1 - 40 x 10 30 TE T3 2
38 2020-12-09 4 Fire Raid - Glove - - 40 x 5 30 WE T2 1
39 2020-12-21 12 Fire Raid Scope TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
2019 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-06-01 x Nature Raid - Cape - - 40 3 10 WE T1
2 2019-06-11 10 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 - 30 5 10 WE T1
3 2019-07-02 21 Holy Raid - TrapT, TrapT - - 40 10 10 WE T1
4 2019-07-18 16 Nature Monster Damascus - - 1 30 10 10 TE T1
5 2019-07-30 12 Dark Raid - Shield 1 - 50 30 30 TE T1
6 2019-08-12 13 Ice Monster - Blade, Orb - - 30 5 10 WE T1
7 2019-08-16 4 Holy Raid - Blade 1 - 30 10 50 WE T2
8 2019-08-28 12 Nature Monster - Compass - - 20 3 50 RE T1
9 2019-08-31 3 Ice Raid - Compass, Orb 1 - 30 5 30 TE T1
10 2019-09-10 10 Fire Raid - Cape, Blade 1 - 30 5 20 TE T1
11 2019-09-17 7 Nature Raid - - 1 - 30 5 10 TE T1
12 2019-09-27 10 Holy Titan - TrapT, Orb 1 - 30 5 10 RE T1
13 2019-10-04 7 Nature Monster - - - - 30 5 10 WE T3
14 2019-10-19 15 Holy Raid - Cape - 2 30 2 10 RE T1
15 2019-10-28 9 Ice Monster - Blade - - 30 20 20 WE T2
16 2019-11-06 9 Holy Raid - TrapT, Compass 1 - 30 10 10 RE T1
17 2019-11-11 5 Dark Raid - Gloves - - 30 20 20 WE T2
18 2019-11-20 9 Nature Monster - - - - 30 20 20 WE T2
19 2019-11-30 10 Holy Raid - TrapT, Gloves - 1 30 10 10 WE T1
20 2019-12-11 11 Holy Raid - Blade, TrapT - 1 40 3 10 RE T3
21 2019-12-17 6 Dark Raid - - - - 40 2 10 RE T1
22 2019-12-27 10 Dark Monster - Orbs, Cape - 1 30 10 20 TE T1