Elemental Chest Frequency - days tracking and results > estimated between 4 to 16 days

6 days… dark chest in raid slot. Finally some gold coins…



My last element chest about a week ago


08/04/2021 Holy chest
Raid slot, 5 days apart.
Already the 3rd consecutive chest containing a sturdy shield as loot… are there no other mats to give out?! :face_with_monocle:


In my titan chest slot got a green chest today
No 4* ams but not terrible either


7 August, Holy chest
Monsters slot, 5 days apart

Definitely worth the WE diversion during Slayers: Scope :heart_eyes: Two ETTs :+1: Ranger emblems :smile:


Been on a roll with quick ones and ascension mats. Also got a goblin crate this time.

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :fire: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1
18 5/27 7 :green_circle: Raid - Orb, Blade 40 2 - 6 50 Raid 1 10 1
19 5/31 4 :fire: Monster Dblade Cape 40 1 - 6 30 Titan 1 10 1
20 6/5 5 :ice_cube: Monster Darts Blade 30 - 1 3 30 Raid 2 2 1
21 6/17 12 :purple_circle: Raid - Compass 50 1 1 3 50 World 1 5 1
22 6/26 9 :green_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 40 2 - 3 30 World 1 5 1
23 7/6 10 :purple_circle: Monster - Orb, Cape 50 - - 3 30 Titan 2 10 1
24 7/14 8 :yellow_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 50 1 - 6 30 World 1 2 1
25 7/18 4 :yellow_circle: Monster Darts Shield 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 10 2
26 7/28 10 :fire: Raid Tabard, Scope - 40 - - 6 30 Raid 2 10 1
27 8/1 4 :ice_cube: Raid Telescope Tools 50 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
28 8/6 5 :fire: Monster Tonic Orb 30 1 - 3 50 Titan 1 10 1

Your luck with elemental chests is beyond ridiculous… :rofl:


08/09/2021 Fire chest
Monster slot, 5 days apart.


8 days… dark chest in raid slot again…


9 days,… late post…

:hash: Date DSL Elm Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key: :tickets:
1 01-05 15 Holy Monst DBlade - - - 40 5 50 RE T2 1 3
2 01-09 4 Holy Monst - TrapT - - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 3
3 01-24 15 Holy Monst Rings Glove - - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
4 02-06 13 Dark Monst Rings Comp - - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 3
5 02-14 8 Dark Monst - Cape - - 30 2 30 WE T1 1 6
6 02-24 10 Ice Monst - Cape
- - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 6
7 03-11 15 Ice Titan DBlade Shield 1 - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
8 03-16 5 Dark Monst - Cape 1 - 20 5 30 TE T2 1 6
9 04-02 19 Holy Monst - Orb 1 1 20 10 30 WE T1 1 3
10 04-07 5 Nature Raid - Blade
1 - 30 20 30 RE T1 1 3
11 04-21 14 Dark Monst - Shield
- - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 6
12 04-30 9 Dark Raid - Shield - - 40 5 30 TE T1 1 6
13 05-04 4 Dark Raid Scope - - 1 30 2 50 TE T1 1 6
14 05-16 12 Fire Monst - Comp
- - 40 5 30 WE T1 1 6
15 05-28 12 Ice Monst - Blade
- - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
16 06-11 14 Dark Monst - Shield
1 - 20 10 50 RE T1 1 6
17 06-22 11 Holy Raid - Cape
2 - 50 5 50 TE T1 1 3
18 06-29 7 Ice Monst - - - - 40 3 50 RE T1 1 6
19 07-09 10 Ice Monst - Blade 3 - 50 5 30 TE T1 1 6
20 07-15 6 Ice Monst Dart TrapT 1 - 50 3 30 RE T1 2 3
21 07-24 9 Holy Raid - Blade
1 - 50 5 30 WE T2 2 3
22 08-02 9 Dark Monst DBlade Glove - - 30 5 30 RE T1 1 -
23 08-11 9 Ice Monst - Shield
- - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 6
Header Meaning
Date Format with MM-DD = Month and Days
DSL Day Since Last
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:postal_horn: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. T1 = trainer 1*, T2 = trainer 2*,T3 = trainer 3*
:old_key: Costume Keys
:tickets: Tickets
2020 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-01-05 9 Fire Titan - TrapT - - 40 3 - 20 WE T1 x
2 2020-01-17 12 Nature Raid - Blade - - 30 10 - 20 WE T1 1
3 2020-01-26 9 Ice Monster - - - 1 30 10 - 10 TE T2 1
4 2020-02-02 7 Holy Raid - Orb, Shield - - 30 20 - 20 RE T1 1
5 2020-02-10 8 Dark Monster Damascus - 1 - 40 10 - 10 RE T2 1
6 2020-02-20 10 Nature Raid Tome Blade - - 30 5 - 10 RE T2 1
7 2020-03-01 10 Fire Monster - Blade, Blade - - 40 5 - 20 TE T1 1
8 2020-03-06 5 Nature Raid Rings - - 1 30 5 - 10 TE T2 1
9 2020-03-19 13 Nature Monster - Cape 1 - 20 5 - 10 TE T1 3
10 2020-03-30 11 Nature Monster - Blade - - 50 x 5 10 RE T3 1
11 2020-04-03 4 Holy Monster Tonic Compas - - 20 x 5 20 WE T3 1
12 2020-04-12 9 Fire Raid - TrapT,Orb - 1 30 x 5 30 TE T1 1
13 2020-04-19 7 Nature Raid Tonic Cape 1 1 20 x 5 10 RE T1 1
14 2020-05-01 12 Holy Monster - Blade,Cape - - 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
15 2020-05-14 13 Holy Monster - Glove,TrapT 2 - 50 x 5 10 WE T1 1
16 2020-05-23 9 Ice Monster - Glove,Orb 1 - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
17 2020-06-06 14 Fire Titan - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
18 2020-06-14 8 Holy Titan - Orb,Shield - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
19 2020-06-18 4 Nature Raid - Orb,Blade - 1 20 x 5 10 TE T1 1
20 2020-07-02 14 Nature Titan Tome Glove - - 20 x 10 10 WE T1 1
21 2020-07-16 14 Ice Raid - Shield,Blade - - 40 x 5 10 WE T1 1
22 2020-07-31 15 Ice Raid - - - - 40 x 10 10 WE T1 1
23 2020-08-12 12 Holy Monster - Glove,Shield - - 30 x 10 10 TE T1 1
24 2020-08-16 4 Ice Monster - Compass,Orb - - 30 x 5 20 TE T2 1
25 2020-08-22 6 Nature Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 3 10 RE T2 1
26 2020-08-27 5 Fire Monster - Orb,Glove 2 1 50 x 5 50 WE T3 1
27 2020-09-08 12 Holy Monster - TrapT - 1 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
28 2020-09-14 6 Ice Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 5 20 RE T1 1
29 2020-09-25 11 Nature Monster Tome - - - 30 x 5 10 WE T1 1
30 2020-10-04 9 Fire Monster - Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
31 2020-10-14 10 Fire Monster - TrapT - - 40 x 3 30 RE T1 1
32 2020-10-22 8 Ice Raid - Glove,Compass - - 40 x 5 50 WE T1 1
33 2020-11-01 10 Fire Raid - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 RE T2 3
34 2020-11-13 12 Holy Monster - Shield - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
35 2020-11-25 12 Holy Monster Damascus Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
36 2020-11-30 5 Dark Raid - Glove - - 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
37 2020-12-05 5 Dark Monster - Cape 1 - 40 x 10 30 TE T3 2
38 2020-12-09 4 Fire Raid - Glove - - 40 x 5 30 WE T2 1
39 2020-12-21 12 Fire Raid Scope TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
2019 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-06-01 x Nature Raid - Cape - - 40 3 10 WE T1
2 2019-06-11 10 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 - 30 5 10 WE T1
3 2019-07-02 21 Holy Raid - TrapT, TrapT - - 40 10 10 WE T1
4 2019-07-18 16 Nature Monster Damascus - - 1 30 10 10 TE T1
5 2019-07-30 12 Dark Raid - Shield 1 - 50 30 30 TE T1
6 2019-08-12 13 Ice Monster - Blade, Orb - - 30 5 10 WE T1
7 2019-08-16 4 Holy Raid - Blade 1 - 30 10 50 WE T2
8 2019-08-28 12 Nature Monster - Compass - - 20 3 50 RE T1
9 2019-08-31 3 Ice Raid - Compass, Orb 1 - 30 5 30 TE T1
10 2019-09-10 10 Fire Raid - Cape, Blade 1 - 30 5 20 TE T1
11 2019-09-17 7 Nature Raid - - 1 - 30 5 10 TE T1
12 2019-09-27 10 Holy Titan - TrapT, Orb 1 - 30 5 10 RE T1
13 2019-10-04 7 Nature Monster - - - - 30 5 10 WE T3
14 2019-10-19 15 Holy Raid - Cape - 2 30 2 10 RE T1
15 2019-10-28 9 Ice Monster - Blade - - 30 20 20 WE T2
16 2019-11-06 9 Holy Raid - TrapT, Compass 1 - 30 10 10 RE T1
17 2019-11-11 5 Dark Raid - Gloves - - 30 20 20 WE T2
18 2019-11-20 9 Nature Monster - - - - 30 20 20 WE T2
19 2019-11-30 10 Holy Raid - TrapT, Gloves - 1 30 10 10 WE T1
20 2019-12-11 11 Holy Raid - Blade, TrapT - 1 40 3 10 RE T3
21 2019-12-17 6 Dark Raid - - - - 40 2 10 RE T1
22 2019-12-27 10 Dark Monster - Orbs, Cape - 1 30 10 20 TE T1

That’s the kind of chests I’ve been getting the past months minus the EHT, not worth the effort of posting them here. Luckily MV has been kind to me.


Averaging a chest ever 7.9 days

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :fire: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1
18 5/27 7 :green_circle: Raid - Orb, Blade 40 2 - 6 50 Raid 1 10 1
19 5/31 4 :fire: Monster Dblade Cape 40 1 - 6 30 Titan 1 10 1
20 6/5 5 :ice_cube: Monster Darts Blade 30 - 1 3 30 Raid 2 2 1
21 6/17 12 :purple_circle: Raid - Compass 50 1 1 3 50 World 1 5 1
22 6/26 9 :green_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 40 2 - 3 30 World 1 5 1
23 7/6 10 :purple_circle: Monster - Orb, Cape 50 - - 3 30 Titan 2 10 1
24 7/14 8 :yellow_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 50 1 - 6 30 World 1 2 1
25 7/18 4 :yellow_circle: Monster Darts Shield 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 10 2
26 7/28 10 :fire: Raid Tabard, Scope - 40 - - 6 30 Raid 2 10 1
27 8/1 4 :ice_cube: Raid Telescope Tools 50 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
28 8/6 5 :fire: Monster Tonic Orb 30 1 - 3 50 Titan 1 10 1
29 8/13 7 :yellow_circle: Monster - Tools 30 - 1 6 50 Titan 1 5 1

Its been almost more than a month or even 2 months no elemental chest pop up…Weired


Very odd as I get them every 10-14 days at most usually it’s every 20-40 chests opened so if you do 2 monster chests a day and 1 raid chest throw in the odd titan chest you can have 40 done in under 14 days :man_shrugging:

1 Like

15 August, Fire chest
Raids slot, 8 days apart

EHT :heart_eyes: 20 Underwild coins :+1:


6 days… holy chest in monster slot. At least a EHT… please give me a damn tome…


6 days,… Tabard, great :muscle:

:hash: Date DSL Elm Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key: :tickets:
1 01-05 15 Holy Monst DBlade - - - 40 5 50 RE T2 1 3
2 01-09 4 Holy Monst - TrapT - - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 3
3 01-24 15 Holy Monst Rings Glove - - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
4 02-06 13 Dark Monst Rings Comp - - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 3
5 02-14 8 Dark Monst - Cape - - 30 2 30 WE T1 1 6
6 02-24 10 Ice Monst - Cape
- - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 6
7 03-11 15 Ice Titan DBlade Shield 1 - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
8 03-16 5 Dark Monst - Cape 1 - 20 5 30 TE T2 1 6
9 04-02 19 Holy Monst - Orb 1 1 20 10 30 WE T1 1 3
10 04-07 5 Nature Raid - Blade
1 - 30 20 30 RE T1 1 3
11 04-21 14 Dark Monst - Shield
- - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 6
12 04-30 9 Dark Raid - Shield - - 40 5 30 TE T1 1 6
13 05-04 4 Dark Raid Scope - - 1 30 2 50 TE T1 1 6
14 05-16 12 Fire Monst - Comp
- - 40 5 30 WE T1 1 6
15 05-28 12 Ice Monst - Blade
- - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
16 06-11 14 Dark Monst - Shield
1 - 20 10 50 RE T1 1 6
17 06-22 11 Holy Raid - Cape
2 - 50 5 50 TE T1 1 3
18 06-29 7 Ice Monst - - - - 40 3 50 RE T1 1 6
19 07-09 10 Ice Monst - Blade 3 - 50 5 30 TE T1 1 6
20 07-15 6 Ice Monst Dart TrapT 1 - 50 3 30 RE T1 2 3
21 07-24 9 Holy Raid - Blade
1 - 50 5 30 WE T2 2 3
22 08-02 9 Dark Monst DBlade Glove - - 30 5 30 RE T1 1 -
23 08-11 9 Ice Monst - Shield
- - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 6
24 08-17 6 Dark Monst Tabard - - - 30 5 30 TE T1 1 3
Header Meaning
Date Format with MM-DD = Month and Days
DSL Day Since Last
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:postal_horn: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. T1 = trainer 1*, T2 = trainer 2*,T3 = trainer 3*
:old_key: Costume Keys
:tickets: Tickets
2020 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-01-05 9 Fire Titan - TrapT - - 40 3 - 20 WE T1 x
2 2020-01-17 12 Nature Raid - Blade - - 30 10 - 20 WE T1 1
3 2020-01-26 9 Ice Monster - - - 1 30 10 - 10 TE T2 1
4 2020-02-02 7 Holy Raid - Orb, Shield - - 30 20 - 20 RE T1 1
5 2020-02-10 8 Dark Monster Damascus - 1 - 40 10 - 10 RE T2 1
6 2020-02-20 10 Nature Raid Tome Blade - - 30 5 - 10 RE T2 1
7 2020-03-01 10 Fire Monster - Blade, Blade - - 40 5 - 20 TE T1 1
8 2020-03-06 5 Nature Raid Rings - - 1 30 5 - 10 TE T2 1
9 2020-03-19 13 Nature Monster - Cape 1 - 20 5 - 10 TE T1 3
10 2020-03-30 11 Nature Monster - Blade - - 50 x 5 10 RE T3 1
11 2020-04-03 4 Holy Monster Tonic Compas - - 20 x 5 20 WE T3 1
12 2020-04-12 9 Fire Raid - TrapT,Orb - 1 30 x 5 30 TE T1 1
13 2020-04-19 7 Nature Raid Tonic Cape 1 1 20 x 5 10 RE T1 1
14 2020-05-01 12 Holy Monster - Blade,Cape - - 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
15 2020-05-14 13 Holy Monster - Glove,TrapT 2 - 50 x 5 10 WE T1 1
16 2020-05-23 9 Ice Monster - Glove,Orb 1 - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
17 2020-06-06 14 Fire Titan - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
18 2020-06-14 8 Holy Titan - Orb,Shield - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
19 2020-06-18 4 Nature Raid - Orb,Blade - 1 20 x 5 10 TE T1 1
20 2020-07-02 14 Nature Titan Tome Glove - - 20 x 10 10 WE T1 1
21 2020-07-16 14 Ice Raid - Shield,Blade - - 40 x 5 10 WE T1 1
22 2020-07-31 15 Ice Raid - - - - 40 x 10 10 WE T1 1
23 2020-08-12 12 Holy Monster - Glove,Shield - - 30 x 10 10 TE T1 1
24 2020-08-16 4 Ice Monster - Compass,Orb - - 30 x 5 20 TE T2 1
25 2020-08-22 6 Nature Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 3 10 RE T2 1
26 2020-08-27 5 Fire Monster - Orb,Glove 2 1 50 x 5 50 WE T3 1
27 2020-09-08 12 Holy Monster - TrapT - 1 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
28 2020-09-14 6 Ice Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 5 20 RE T1 1
29 2020-09-25 11 Nature Monster Tome - - - 30 x 5 10 WE T1 1
30 2020-10-04 9 Fire Monster - Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
31 2020-10-14 10 Fire Monster - TrapT - - 40 x 3 30 RE T1 1
32 2020-10-22 8 Ice Raid - Glove,Compass - - 40 x 5 50 WE T1 1
33 2020-11-01 10 Fire Raid - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 RE T2 3
34 2020-11-13 12 Holy Monster - Shield - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
35 2020-11-25 12 Holy Monster Damascus Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
36 2020-11-30 5 Dark Raid - Glove - - 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
37 2020-12-05 5 Dark Monster - Cape 1 - 40 x 10 30 TE T3 2
38 2020-12-09 4 Fire Raid - Glove - - 40 x 5 30 WE T2 1
39 2020-12-21 12 Fire Raid Scope TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
2019 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-06-01 x Nature Raid - Cape - - 40 3 10 WE T1
2 2019-06-11 10 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 - 30 5 10 WE T1
3 2019-07-02 21 Holy Raid - TrapT, TrapT - - 40 10 10 WE T1
4 2019-07-18 16 Nature Monster Damascus - - 1 30 10 10 TE T1
5 2019-07-30 12 Dark Raid - Shield 1 - 50 30 30 TE T1
6 2019-08-12 13 Ice Monster - Blade, Orb - - 30 5 10 WE T1
7 2019-08-16 4 Holy Raid - Blade 1 - 30 10 50 WE T2
8 2019-08-28 12 Nature Monster - Compass - - 20 3 50 RE T1
9 2019-08-31 3 Ice Raid - Compass, Orb 1 - 30 5 30 TE T1
10 2019-09-10 10 Fire Raid - Cape, Blade 1 - 30 5 20 TE T1
11 2019-09-17 7 Nature Raid - - 1 - 30 5 10 TE T1
12 2019-09-27 10 Holy Titan - TrapT, Orb 1 - 30 5 10 RE T1
13 2019-10-04 7 Nature Monster - - - - 30 5 10 WE T3
14 2019-10-19 15 Holy Raid - Cape - 2 30 2 10 RE T1
15 2019-10-28 9 Ice Monster - Blade - - 30 20 20 WE T2
16 2019-11-06 9 Holy Raid - TrapT, Compass 1 - 30 10 10 RE T1
17 2019-11-11 5 Dark Raid - Gloves - - 30 20 20 WE T2
18 2019-11-20 9 Nature Monster - - - - 30 20 20 WE T2
19 2019-11-30 10 Holy Raid - TrapT, Gloves - 1 30 10 10 WE T1
20 2019-12-11 11 Holy Raid - Blade, TrapT - 1 40 3 10 RE T3
21 2019-12-17 6 Dark Raid - - - - 40 2 10 RE T1
22 2019-12-27 10 Dark Monster - Orbs, Cape - 1 30 10 20 TE T1

08/18/2021 Nature chest
Monster slot, 9 days apart.


30th chest of the year! 1 chest every 8 days.

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :fire: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1
18 5/27 7 :green_circle: Raid - Orb, Blade 40 2 - 6 50 Raid 1 10 1
19 5/31 4 :fire: Monster Dblade Cape 40 1 - 6 30 Titan 1 10 1
20 6/5 5 :ice_cube: Monster Darts Blade 30 - 1 3 30 Raid 2 2 1
21 6/17 12 :purple_circle: Raid - Compass 50 1 1 3 50 World 1 5 1
22 6/26 9 :green_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 40 2 - 3 30 World 1 5 1
23 7/6 10 :purple_circle: Monster - Orb, Cape 50 - - 3 30 Titan 2 10 1
24 7/14 8 :yellow_circle: Monster - Shield, Compass 50 1 - 6 30 World 1 2 1
25 7/18 4 :yellow_circle: Monster Darts Shield 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 10 2
26 7/28 10 :fire: Raid Tabard, Scope - 40 - - 6 30 Raid 2 10 1
27 8/1 4 :ice_cube: Raid Telescope Tools 50 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
28 8/6 5 :fire: Monster Tonic Orb 30 1 - 3 50 Titan 1 10 1
29 8/13 7 :yellow_circle: Monster - Tools 30 - 1 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
30 8/19 6 :fire: Raid - Shield 30 - 2 6 30 World 1 3 1

How do you do it? I refuse to give in to paranoia but for me they (elemental chests) are as rare as chickens teeth.

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