Elemental Chest Frequency - days tracking and results > estimated between 4 to 16 days

13 days… ice chest in raid slot. The loots are atrocious… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


12 days, late post,…

:hash: Date DSL Elm Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key: :tickets:
1 01-05 15 Holy Monst DBlade - - - 40 5 50 RE T2 1 3
2 01-09 4 Holy Monst - TrapT - - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 3
3 01-24 15 Holy Monst Rings Glove - - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
4 02-06 13 Dark Monst Rings Comp - - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 3
5 02-14 8 Dark Monst - Cape - - 30 2 30 WE T1 1 6
6 02-24 10 Ice Monst - Cape
- - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 6
7 03-11 15 Ice Titan DBlade Shield 1 - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
8 03-16 5 Dark Monst - Cape 1 - 20 5 30 TE T2 1 6
9 04-02 19 Holy Monst - Orb 1 1 20 10 30 WE T1 1 3
10 04-07 5 Nature Raid - Blade
1 - 30 20 30 RE T1 1 3
11 04-21 14 Dark Monst - Shield
- - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 6
12 04-30 9 Dark Raid - Shield - - 40 5 30 TE T1 1 6
13 05-04 4 Dark Raid Scope - - 1 30 2 50 TE T1 1 6
14 05-16 12 Fire Monst - Comp
- - 40 5 30 WE T1 1 6
Header Meaning
Date Format with MM-DD = Month and Days
DSL Day Since Last
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:postal_horn: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. T1 = trainer 1*, T2 = trainer 2*,T3 = trainer 3*
:old_key: Costume Keys
:tickets: Tickets
2020 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-01-05 9 Fire Titan - TrapT - - 40 3 - 20 WE T1 x
2 2020-01-17 12 Nature Raid - Blade - - 30 10 - 20 WE T1 1
3 2020-01-26 9 Ice Monster - - - 1 30 10 - 10 TE T2 1
4 2020-02-02 7 Holy Raid - Orb, Shield - - 30 20 - 20 RE T1 1
5 2020-02-10 8 Dark Monster Damascus - 1 - 40 10 - 10 RE T2 1
6 2020-02-20 10 Nature Raid Tome Blade - - 30 5 - 10 RE T2 1
7 2020-03-01 10 Fire Monster - Blade, Blade - - 40 5 - 20 TE T1 1
8 2020-03-06 5 Nature Raid Rings - - 1 30 5 - 10 TE T2 1
9 2020-03-19 13 Nature Monster - Cape 1 - 20 5 - 10 TE T1 3
10 2020-03-30 11 Nature Monster - Blade - - 50 x 5 10 RE T3 1
11 2020-04-03 4 Holy Monster Tonic Compas - - 20 x 5 20 WE T3 1
12 2020-04-12 9 Fire Raid - TrapT,Orb - 1 30 x 5 30 TE T1 1
13 2020-04-19 7 Nature Raid Tonic Cape 1 1 20 x 5 10 RE T1 1
14 2020-05-01 12 Holy Monster - Blade,Cape - - 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
15 2020-05-14 13 Holy Monster - Glove,TrapT 2 - 50 x 5 10 WE T1 1
16 2020-05-23 9 Ice Monster - Glove,Orb 1 - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
17 2020-06-06 14 Fire Titan - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
18 2020-06-14 8 Holy Titan - Orb,Shield - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
19 2020-06-18 4 Nature Raid - Orb,Blade - 1 20 x 5 10 TE T1 1
20 2020-07-02 14 Nature Titan Tome Glove - - 20 x 10 10 WE T1 1
21 2020-07-16 14 Ice Raid - Shield,Blade - - 40 x 5 10 WE T1 1
22 2020-07-31 15 Ice Raid - - - - 40 x 10 10 WE T1 1
23 2020-08-12 12 Holy Monster - Glove,Shield - - 30 x 10 10 TE T1 1
24 2020-08-16 4 Ice Monster - Compass,Orb - - 30 x 5 20 TE T2 1
25 2020-08-22 6 Nature Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 3 10 RE T2 1
26 2020-08-27 5 Fire Monster - Orb,Glove 2 1 50 x 5 50 WE T3 1
27 2020-09-08 12 Holy Monster - TrapT - 1 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
28 2020-09-14 6 Ice Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 5 20 RE T1 1
29 2020-09-25 11 Nature Monster Tome - - - 30 x 5 10 WE T1 1
30 2020-10-04 9 Fire Monster - Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
31 2020-10-14 10 Fire Monster - TrapT - - 40 x 3 30 RE T1 1
32 2020-10-22 8 Ice Raid - Glove,Compass - - 40 x 5 50 WE T1 1
33 2020-11-01 10 Fire Raid - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 RE T2 3
34 2020-11-13 12 Holy Monster - Shield - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
35 2020-11-25 12 Holy Monster Damascus Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
36 2020-11-30 5 Dark Raid - Glove - - 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
37 2020-12-05 5 Dark Monster - Cape 1 - 40 x 10 30 TE T3 2
38 2020-12-09 4 Fire Raid - Glove - - 40 x 5 30 WE T2 1
39 2020-12-21 12 Fire Raid Scope TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
2019 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-06-01 x Nature Raid - Cape - - 40 3 10 WE T1
2 2019-06-11 10 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 - 30 5 10 WE T1
3 2019-07-02 21 Holy Raid - TrapT, TrapT - - 40 10 10 WE T1
4 2019-07-18 16 Nature Monster Damascus - - 1 30 10 10 TE T1
5 2019-07-30 12 Dark Raid - Shield 1 - 50 30 30 TE T1
6 2019-08-12 13 Ice Monster - Blade, Orb - - 30 5 10 WE T1
7 2019-08-16 4 Holy Raid - Blade 1 - 30 10 50 WE T2
8 2019-08-28 12 Nature Monster - Compass - - 20 3 50 RE T1
9 2019-08-31 3 Ice Raid - Compass, Orb 1 - 30 5 30 TE T1
10 2019-09-10 10 Fire Raid - Cape, Blade 1 - 30 5 20 TE T1
11 2019-09-17 7 Nature Raid - - 1 - 30 5 10 TE T1
12 2019-09-27 10 Holy Titan - TrapT, Orb 1 - 30 5 10 RE T1
13 2019-10-04 7 Nature Monster - - - - 30 5 10 WE T3
14 2019-10-19 15 Holy Raid - Cape - 2 30 2 10 RE T1
15 2019-10-28 9 Ice Monster - Blade - - 30 20 20 WE T2
16 2019-11-06 9 Holy Raid - TrapT, Compass 1 - 30 10 10 RE T1
17 2019-11-11 5 Dark Raid - Gloves - - 30 20 20 WE T2
18 2019-11-20 9 Nature Monster - - - - 30 20 20 WE T2
19 2019-11-30 10 Holy Raid - TrapT, Gloves - 1 30 10 10 WE T1
20 2019-12-11 11 Holy Raid - Blade, TrapT - 1 40 3 10 RE T3
21 2019-12-17 6 Dark Raid - - - - 40 2 10 RE T1
22 2019-12-27 10 Dark Monster - Orbs, Cape - 1 30 10 20 TE T1

Nature chest yesterday: hidden blade, tall boots, 2 EHTs, 50 emblems, Titan flask.


Red chest in monster slot, 10 days apart.


Had a holy chest today, highlights were darts, 2 EHTs, raid flask, 30 paladin emblems and 10 underwild coins


05/20/2021 Fire chest
Titan slot, 4 days apart.


Maybe I jinxed myself when last time I said they kept showing up quickly. I was happy to see druid emblems.

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :red_circle: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1

ok, had 3 ice chests in a row. the first one, a month ago?, was so completely unremarkable it made me :angry: and i didn’t even bother to record the contents. here were the last two:

from May 10, ice chest, monster slot. ? days apart:

from today, ice chest, monster slot, 12 days apart:

actually pretty happy about the last one. i’ll always take a titan flask, i really need orbs at the moment, and all those shiny gold tokens are definitely appreciated, especially with ninja tower coming up. really hoping my luck with troops is better this time.


Blue chest in raid slot, 12 days apart. At least 3* non farmable items



25 May, Dark Chest
Raids slot, 19 days apart (I am playing quite casually)

Nice emblems. :smile:


3 days ago (ice chest instead of regular hero chest).

A few hours ago (holy chest instead of the regular monster chest):


Nothing to brag about here

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :red_circle: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1
18 5/27 7 :green_circle: Raid - Orb, Blade 40 2 - 6 50 Raid 1 10 1

17 days apart, red chest, raid spot

Another lucky chest!


12 days,…

:hash: Date DSL Elm Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key: :tickets:
1 01-05 15 Holy Monst DBlade - - - 40 5 50 RE T2 1 3
2 01-09 4 Holy Monst - TrapT - - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 3
3 01-24 15 Holy Monst Rings Glove - - 30 5 30 WE T1 1 6
4 02-06 13 Dark Monst Rings Comp - - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 3
5 02-14 8 Dark Monst - Cape - - 30 2 30 WE T1 1 6
6 02-24 10 Ice Monst - Cape
- - 30 10 50 WE T1 1 6
7 03-11 15 Ice Titan DBlade Shield 1 - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
8 03-16 5 Dark Monst - Cape 1 - 20 5 30 TE T2 1 6
9 04-02 19 Holy Monst - Orb 1 1 20 10 30 WE T1 1 3
10 04-07 5 Nature Raid - Blade
1 - 30 20 30 RE T1 1 3
11 04-21 14 Dark Monst - Shield
- - 30 10 30 WE T1 1 6
12 04-30 9 Dark Raid - Shield - - 40 5 30 TE T1 1 6
13 05-04 4 Dark Raid Scope - - 1 30 2 50 TE T1 1 6
14 05-16 12 Fire Monst - Comp
- - 40 5 30 WE T1 1 6
15 05-28 12 Ice Monst - Blade
- - 30 5 30 TE T2 1 6
Header Meaning
Date Format with MM-DD = Month and Days
DSL Day Since Last
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:postal_horn: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. T1 = trainer 1*, T2 = trainer 2*,T3 = trainer 3*
:old_key: Costume Keys
:tickets: Tickets
2020 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :postal_horn: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-01-05 9 Fire Titan - TrapT - - 40 3 - 20 WE T1 x
2 2020-01-17 12 Nature Raid - Blade - - 30 10 - 20 WE T1 1
3 2020-01-26 9 Ice Monster - - - 1 30 10 - 10 TE T2 1
4 2020-02-02 7 Holy Raid - Orb, Shield - - 30 20 - 20 RE T1 1
5 2020-02-10 8 Dark Monster Damascus - 1 - 40 10 - 10 RE T2 1
6 2020-02-20 10 Nature Raid Tome Blade - - 30 5 - 10 RE T2 1
7 2020-03-01 10 Fire Monster - Blade, Blade - - 40 5 - 20 TE T1 1
8 2020-03-06 5 Nature Raid Rings - - 1 30 5 - 10 TE T2 1
9 2020-03-19 13 Nature Monster - Cape 1 - 20 5 - 10 TE T1 3
10 2020-03-30 11 Nature Monster - Blade - - 50 x 5 10 RE T3 1
11 2020-04-03 4 Holy Monster Tonic Compas - - 20 x 5 20 WE T3 1
12 2020-04-12 9 Fire Raid - TrapT,Orb - 1 30 x 5 30 TE T1 1
13 2020-04-19 7 Nature Raid Tonic Cape 1 1 20 x 5 10 RE T1 1
14 2020-05-01 12 Holy Monster - Blade,Cape - - 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
15 2020-05-14 13 Holy Monster - Glove,TrapT 2 - 50 x 5 10 WE T1 1
16 2020-05-23 9 Ice Monster - Glove,Orb 1 - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
17 2020-06-06 14 Fire Titan - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
18 2020-06-14 8 Holy Titan - Orb,Shield - - 30 x 5 10 RE T1 1
19 2020-06-18 4 Nature Raid - Orb,Blade - 1 20 x 5 10 TE T1 1
20 2020-07-02 14 Nature Titan Tome Glove - - 20 x 10 10 WE T1 1
21 2020-07-16 14 Ice Raid - Shield,Blade - - 40 x 5 10 WE T1 1
22 2020-07-31 15 Ice Raid - - - - 40 x 10 10 WE T1 1
23 2020-08-12 12 Holy Monster - Glove,Shield - - 30 x 10 10 TE T1 1
24 2020-08-16 4 Ice Monster - Compass,Orb - - 30 x 5 20 TE T2 1
25 2020-08-22 6 Nature Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 3 10 RE T2 1
26 2020-08-27 5 Fire Monster - Orb,Glove 2 1 50 x 5 50 WE T3 1
27 2020-09-08 12 Holy Monster - TrapT - 1 20 x 5 10 WE T1 1
28 2020-09-14 6 Ice Monster - Shield 1 - 30 x 5 20 RE T1 1
29 2020-09-25 11 Nature Monster Tome - - - 30 x 5 10 WE T1 1
30 2020-10-04 9 Fire Monster - Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
31 2020-10-14 10 Fire Monster - TrapT - - 40 x 3 30 RE T1 1
32 2020-10-22 8 Ice Raid - Glove,Compass - - 40 x 5 50 WE T1 1
33 2020-11-01 10 Fire Raid - Glove,TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 RE T2 3
34 2020-11-13 12 Holy Monster - Shield - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
35 2020-11-25 12 Holy Monster Damascus Glove - 1 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
36 2020-11-30 5 Dark Raid - Glove - - 30 x 10 30 TE T1 1
37 2020-12-05 5 Dark Monster - Cape 1 - 40 x 10 30 TE T3 2
38 2020-12-09 4 Fire Raid - Glove - - 40 x 5 30 WE T2 1
39 2020-12-21 12 Fire Raid Scope TrapT - - 30 x 5 30 WE T1 1
2019 Archive
:hash: Date DSL Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-06-01 x Nature Raid - Cape - - 40 3 10 WE T1
2 2019-06-11 10 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 - 30 5 10 WE T1
3 2019-07-02 21 Holy Raid - TrapT, TrapT - - 40 10 10 WE T1
4 2019-07-18 16 Nature Monster Damascus - - 1 30 10 10 TE T1
5 2019-07-30 12 Dark Raid - Shield 1 - 50 30 30 TE T1
6 2019-08-12 13 Ice Monster - Blade, Orb - - 30 5 10 WE T1
7 2019-08-16 4 Holy Raid - Blade 1 - 30 10 50 WE T2
8 2019-08-28 12 Nature Monster - Compass - - 20 3 50 RE T1
9 2019-08-31 3 Ice Raid - Compass, Orb 1 - 30 5 30 TE T1
10 2019-09-10 10 Fire Raid - Cape, Blade 1 - 30 5 20 TE T1
11 2019-09-17 7 Nature Raid - - 1 - 30 5 10 TE T1
12 2019-09-27 10 Holy Titan - TrapT, Orb 1 - 30 5 10 RE T1
13 2019-10-04 7 Nature Monster - - - - 30 5 10 WE T3
14 2019-10-19 15 Holy Raid - Cape - 2 30 2 10 RE T1
15 2019-10-28 9 Ice Monster - Blade - - 30 20 20 WE T2
16 2019-11-06 9 Holy Raid - TrapT, Compass 1 - 30 10 10 RE T1
17 2019-11-11 5 Dark Raid - Gloves - - 30 20 20 WE T2
18 2019-11-20 9 Nature Monster - - - - 30 20 20 WE T2
19 2019-11-30 10 Holy Raid - TrapT, Gloves - 1 30 10 10 WE T1
20 2019-12-11 11 Holy Raid - Blade, TrapT - 1 40 3 10 RE T3
21 2019-12-17 6 Dark Raid - - - - 40 2 10 RE T1
22 2019-12-27 10 Dark Monster - Orbs, Cape - 1 30 10 20 TE T1

11 days, ice chest in monster slot. A decent one.



05/30/2021 Dark Chest
Raid slot, 10 days apart.


4 days later is a plus. 4 star ascension mat is a plus. But am I cursed with Damascus Blades? Had these all been Tomes instead I would be happy. Sitting on 12 blades and 2 tomes.

# :calendar: DSL :art: Chest 4* 3* :gem: EHT ETT :tickets: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :postal_horn: :key:
1 1/3 - :fire: Monster - Shield, Cape 30 - - 6 30 Raid 1 5 3
2 1/7 4 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape 30 - - 3 30 Titan 1 2 1
3 1/21 14 :fire: Raid - Blade 50 - - 3 50 World 1 5 1
4 1/27 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Tools 20 - - 6 30 Titan 1 5 1
5 2/7 11 :yellow_circle: Raid - - 30 1 - 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
6 2/13 6 :yellow_circle: Raid - Orb 50 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
7 2/20 7 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield,Cape 30 - - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
8 3/2 10 :yellow_circle: Raid - Shield 30 - - 3 30 Titan 3 5 1
9 3/14 12 :green_circle: Monster - - 30 2 - 3 30 Raid 1 10 1
10 3/20 6 :ice_cube: Raid - Cape, Gloves 50 1 - 6 30 Raid 2 5 1
11 3/30 10 :green_circle: Raid Tonic Orb 40 - - 3 30 World 1 10 1
12 4/12 13 :ice_cube: Hero - Tools, Shield 40 - - 3 30 World 1 5 1
13 4/17 5 :yellow_circle: Raid Dblade Gloves 30 1 - 6 50 Titan 1 5 1
14 4/23 6 :fire: Raid Dbalde Compass 20 1 - - 50 Titan 3 5 1
15 5/2 9 :yellow_circle: Raid - Blade, Orb 40 - 1 3 30 Raid 1 5 1
16 5/8 6 :purple_circle: Monster - Blade 20 - 1 6 30 Raid 1 5 1
17 5/20 12 :red_circle: Monster - Orb 40 - - 6 30 World 2 5 1
18 5/27 7 :green_circle: Raid - Orb, Blade 40 2 - 6 50 Raid 1 10 1
19 5/31 4 :red_circle: Monster Dblade Cape 40 1 - 6 30 Titan 1 10 1

8 elemental chests in 50 days! Wow. That is probably a record if no gem skipping.


I skip to get through four chests (two monster and two hero) each day but never more than that.

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2 monster + 2 raid per day is pretty standard to me as well. Elemental chest is pretty crappy these days but still much better than a regular chest.

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