🧪 Early Information on Updated "Clash of Knights" Alliance Quest [Part of The Beta Beat V44]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the updated ""Clash of Knights Alliance Quest

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

Additional Clash of Knights Heroes are added

:superhero: Clash of Knights in Alliance Quests

As with the Villains & Starfall & Slayers heroes, the event heroes in the current event have a bonus when they are used in the Clash of Knights Alliance Quest.


  • Heroes of the Wolf or Raven family bypass the Elemental Barriers, and have increased attack, defense, and health (+20%) in this Alliance Quest’s stages

Some Notes:

  • This bonus ONLY applies to Wolf and Raven Family Heroes IN the Clash of Knights Event.
  • It is NOT limited to Unique heroes only… Any and all Clash of Knights heroes gain the bonus stat boost.

Now a WE flask is given by a in-game message when the event starts.

:dizzy: Special Gameplay

A new Event Hazard added to Clash of Knights is this:

The Castle is defended with Incendiary Traps. The traps are triggered every 4 turns. Getting hit by the Incendiary Traps cause your Heroes to Burn and lowers their attack.

  • Every 4 turns, all Heroes receive X Burn damage over 3 turns.
  • Every 4 turns, all Heroes get -40% attack for 3 Turns.

X = 306 for Rare, 432 for Epic and 612 for Legendary difficulties.

Only those will able to play this quest who are in an alliance before the event starts.
The Epic and Legendary tiers are locked at the start of the event.
Epic tier is unlocked when your alliance reaches 2.5 million points in total.
Legendary tier is unlocked when your alliance reaches 10 million points in total.

:game_die: Summoning Odds

As with all other challenge events, the Clash of Knights comes with it’s own Summon Portal. See below for information regarding the appearance rates.

Rare Classic Hero: 63.1% → 47.3%
Epic Classic Hero: 20.8% → 18.5%
Legendary Classic Hero: 1.5% → 1.3%

Rare Event Hero: 7.9% → 23.7%
Epic Event Hero: 5.7% → 8%
Legendary Event Hero 1.0% → 1.2%

Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

This is the same portal set-up we saw for old challange events.

:moneybag: Alliance Quest Coins

The “Clash of Knight” makes use of a new Alliance Quest Coins currency for summoning.
So far it seems to be there is no Suspicious chests in the event.

You only 10 of them for a Summon or 300 gems.
You can do a 10 pull with 2600 gems.

:zap: Event Info – Stages, Bosses, and WE Costs

Duration Reflect Colour Stages
4 days None 10 per difficulty
Note: Info is beta so may change…

The Clash of Knight follows the the usual set-up for Challenge Events with 3 difficulty tiers (Rare, Epic & Legendary); It is however, Like LoV and Starfall Circus and Slayers, using the old format of only 10 Stages for each tier.

The bosses and mobs are changed. This is how they look now:

Stage # World Energy
( R/E/L)
Waves Monsters Boss
1 2 / 3 / 4 3 Green & Red Rayne(P) & 2 Blue Mobs
2 2 / 3 / 4 3 Blue & Red Wolfgang (B) & 2 Red Mobs
3 3 / 4 / 5 3 Purple & Yellow Eloise (Y) , Esme (B)
4 3 / 4 / 5 3 Blue & Green Quenell (G), Aderyn (P)
5 4 / 5 / 6 3 Blue & Red Bertulf (Y), Quintin (B)
6 4 / 5 / 6 3 Blue & Purple Franz (G), Ludwig (P), Ferant (R)
7 5 / 6 / 7 3 Green & Yellow Wren (G), Lewena (R), Franz (G)
8 5 / 6 / 7 3 Green & Red Quenell (G), Esme (B), Wren (G)
9 6 / 7 / 8 3 Blue & Yellow Eloise (Y), Ludwig (P), Lewana (R)
10 6 / 7 / 8 3 Purple & Red Quintin (B), Wolfgang (Y), Rayne (P)

Now all enemies have special skills too:
Enemy Element Special skill name Special skill description
Knight Fire Knight’s Party All allies counterattack with 100% of the damage received for 5 turns.
Knight Nature Knight’s Armour All allies get +50% attack for 5 turns
Knight Ice Knight’s Fury All allies get +50% defense for 5 turns
Guard Wolf Holy Feral Bite Deals 250% damage to the target.
The target receives 363 Bleed damage over 3 turns
Attack Raven Dark Feral Peck Deals 250% damage to the target.
The target receives 360 Posion damage over 3 turns

:zap: Rewards / Stage and Enemy Stats:

New version:
Thx @cap for collecting it and adding it to this coloured excel sheet:

Previous version

Alliance Quest Rules

:money_mouth_face: Rewards

*Clash of Knight has a brand new rewarding system.
The scores for all tiers are adding up into a single number, and you receive the loot based on your individual tier and the tier where your alliance’s combined score is in.

Instead of instant Tier Completion Rewards you can open a chest after you open the Tier.

Here are the chest rewards:

  1. Chest:
  • 1x Clean Cloth, 1x Chainmal Shirt, 1x Super Antidotes, 2x Alliance Quest Coin
  1. Chest:
  • 1x Crude Iron, 1x Sturdy Shield, 1x Super Antidotes, 3x Alliance Quest Coin
  1. Chest:
  • 1x Meteor Fragments, 1x Orb of Magic, 1x Dragon Attack, 5x Alliance Quest Coin
Click for Alliance Rewards
Rank Class Emblems Limit Break Materials Battle Items Crafting Materials Guaranteed Loot
1 4 draws:
Rare (4 draws):
1x: 100%

Epic (3 draws):
1x: 100%

Legendary (3 draws):
1x: 100%

10 draws:
4* 35%
3* 40%
5 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
5 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
Esme Avatar
Quintin Avatar
5x WE Flask
2-10 4 draws:
Rare (3 draws):
1x: 90%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 90%

Legendary (2 draws):
1x: 100%

7 draws:
4* 35%
3* 40%
5 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
3 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
Wren Avatar
Ludwig Avatar
Lewana Avatar
4x WE Flask
11-100 3 draws:
Rare (3 draws):
1x: 80%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 80%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 100%

5 draws:
5 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
3 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
Franz Avatar
3x WE Flask
101-1000 3 draws:
Rare (4 draws):
1x: 70%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 70%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 20%

4 draws:
5 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
3 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
2x WE Flask
1001-10000 2 draws:
Rare (3 draws):
1x: 60%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 60%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 10%

3 draws:
5 draws:
3* 25%
2* 35%
1* 40%
3 draws:
3* 25%
2* 35%
1* 40%
1x WE Flask
10001- 1 draw:
Rare (3 draws):
1x: 50%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 50%

3 draws:
1 draw:
2* 50%
1* 50%
1 draw:
2* 50%
1* 50%
1x WE Flask
Click for Individual Rewards
Rank Summon Token Ascension Materials Limit Break Materials Battle Items Crafting Materials Guaranteed Loot
1 3 draws:
EHT: 100%
2 draws:
4* 100%
Rare (3 draws):
1x: 100%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 100%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 100%

5 draws:
5 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
5 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
Wolfgang Avatar
Rayne Avatar
6x WE Flask
2-10 3 draws:
EHT: 100%
2 draws:
4* 100%
Rare (2 draws):
1x: 90%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 90%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 100%

5 draws:
5 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
3 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
Quenell Avatar
Eloise Avatar
5x WE Flask
11-100 3 draws:
EHT: 100%
2 draws:
4* 50%
3* 50%
Rare (2 draws):
1x: 80%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 80%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 100%

4 draws:
5 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
3 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
Ludwig Avatar
Ferant Avatar
4x WE Flask
101-1000 2 draws:
EHT: 100%
1 draw:
4* 50%
3* 50%
Rare (2 draws):
1x: 70%

Epic (2 draws):
1x: 70%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 20%

4 draws:
5 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
3 draws:
4* 25%
3* 35%
2* 40%
Wren Avatar
3x WE Flask
1001-10000 2 draws:
EHT: 50%
ETT: 50%
1 draw:
4* 20%
3* 80%
Rare (2 draws):
1x: 60%

Epic (1 draw):
1x: 60%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 20%

3 draws:
5 draws:
3* 25%
2* 35%
1* 40%
3 draws:
3* 25%
2* 35%
1* 40%
Aderyn Avatar
2x WE Flask
10001-100000 2 draws:
EHT: 20%
ETT: 80%
1 draw:
3* 100%
Rare (2 draws):
1x: 50%

Epic (1 draws):
1x: 50%

Legendary (1 draw):
1x: 10%

2 draws:
1 draw:
2* 50%
1* 50%
1 draw:
2* 50%
1* 50%
1x WE Flask
100001- 1 draws:
Gray: 100%
- Rare (1 draw):
1x: 50%

Epic (1 draw):
1x: 50%

1 draw:
1 draw:
1 draw:
2* 50%
1* 50%


  • The Alliance Quest can be opened from the Quest page as usual, but you also see your Alliance’s score and current ranking and the remaining time in the Alliance menu / Members, Titan and Wars tab
  • In the Quest you can see the ranking by alliance score, ranking by individual score, and you can also view what is the score of your alliance members

:link: Related Threads

*🧪 The Beta Beat (V44) – New event hero costumes, Challenge Festival Event, Updated Alliance Quest, Season 4 and Clash of Knights and Ninja heroes and HoTMs -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

*🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Clash of Knights Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v44]


any projections on when it shoud premier?

While S1 heroes are still a thing, at least the percentages of getting them has dropped.


As SG released the offiical calendar for December, and it is not in it so I think it will arrive on January 19th.


so we can have a little hope for mor 3 and 4* (not wise to be hopefull though)

You are welcome , you help me a lot too


Thanks as always for your efforts @PlayForFun .
Is it any wonder this thread is filled with so much appreciation… :star_struck:


Can somebody explain me about this new Aether % change. Let say i am on top 10.000 player, what the best i can get and the worst i can get ?

Ugh this is terrible, last time I was in top 1000 alliance/ 10k players and get 2 big Aethers. Now more likely I’m getting no big ones with the change

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The best you get:
You get the Aether on each draw:

So for top 10 000 individual player:

  • 2 Rare Aethers
  • 1 Rare Aether
  • 1 Legendary Aether

The worse:

  • You do not get any Aethers, and you have 5.12% chance for this.

Earlier at least three Rare Aethers were guaranteed, and you had chance for 3 Legendary one too with 2.7% chance.


when i was reading the chart, it reminded me of the top 1% raid tournament chance for a reset emblem, soooo i guess we’re going to get another round of #nospend when a bunch of players inevitably don’t get any aethers despite placing highly.

There will be a similar change in the tournament loot, but we can not see what.

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Before, you would have gotten 3 Aethers garanteed. Now you get between 0 and 4 Aethers with an average of 2. The chance of getting 5* Aethers has been lowered significantly for you as well (1 roll of 20% instead of 3 rolls of 20%).

Congrats on everyone who got tricked into #NoSpend by whales. They wouldn’t have summoned on old portals in those 2 weeks anyway. Whales get their garanteed 5* Aethers now, while you did the “work” and have to pay the price with lower drop rates.

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I’m a bit surprised to see wolfs and ravens fighting together in the quest now. I thought we would get 2 versions of the event, one with wolfs and another one with ravens, because the “story” seemed to suggest they are enemies.

Ok let say i am player on first place rank, so i will get just 1 aether3, 2 aether2, 3 aether1 ?

So rewards are worse after the thrashing of complaints? Lol we showed SGG haha

Events in general in this game are just becoming unfun with all the changes… Maybe new year will be time to call it quits.

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SG make this aether loot like war aether loot. Damn they more stingy.

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Yes, you will get these Aether rewards for top 1 place in individual loot.
Of course if your alliance is in top 100 too, then you will get more Aethers (at least one Aether 3) for sure.

@Draerius yes it can much worse than earlier :frowning: no Aethers guaranteed for players outside of top 100 individual or alliance ranks.

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Reward become worse, the difficult become harder. They dont care about QoL of ordinary player.


The loot changes doesn’t make sense, the loot is improved for top 100 players, but for players ranking tok 10 000 and 100 000 it is far worse than was before.
Now I don’t see the point in competing in this event unless you want to be top 100 players. I planned to hit top 10 000, but after this changes I don’t see the point to even bother.