🧪 Early Information on the November 2019 HOTM (Neith)

I love theory crafting this game (Even though the RNG factor really emphasizes that it is only THEORY) but it’s interesting how so many people can comment about how horrible this hero is without ever playing that card. I remember when Kunchen was first coming out and he got destroyed on the forums. Everyone hated him because he was another SLOW hero. Now he is one of top tanks and top used healers in the game. Any word on February's HotM? (Kunchen) - #11 by Garanwyn read through some of the comments for some perspective. In the end I believe each hero has its niche and will be very successful if properly used…but its up to us, the players, to figure out that best use. Maybe with the significant increase in Purple tanks, Neith becomes an essential part of every Holy team. Who knows until we really get into the weeds with her. I know what my plan is for Neith, but that may be different from others and may or may not be successful. I will play and tinker and win and lose raids, until i find the best use…then I will look ahead to the next HOTM and think and do it all again. If you don’t want to pull, don’t, but more times than not people start seeing that card used successfully and wish they had pulled one more time that month. i.e. Kunchen or Ursena