đŸ§Ș Early Information on the July 2020 HOTM (Noor)

So she can basically boost her HP over max by 25% without even charging one tile, it’s enough to just have any minion-creating enemy fire. Interesting stuff.


Still too slow and nearly useless (because of being slow) when the enemy has no minion spawners.
I think the previous version of minions with average speed is better (I mean look at incoming bera and Freya!!!)

Still a sh*tty hero even if the minions would have 50% health it wouldn’t make me want her badly :roll_eyes:


Noor has her place in a red stack against Tell. Not great but yet again another hero seemingly designed just for Tell

Yup, I think people just badly anticipate at least one new red sniper (me included) so anything else is instantly called trash.

A positive that I can see with Noor is that she can be very effective even at 3.70 now, so you can take her to the stack against Telly and still save your rings for something else.

Meanwhile, let’s await Marjana’s costume :wink:


It’s easy to get in the mindset for sure. I don’t understand why they refuse to ever create red hitters. It’s like it’s a sin for SG to go down that route. But nonetheless, Noor undoubtedly will be a good support hero against any team with minion casters in them.

I think she’s too slow to be a good support hero. She needs another line to be added to her special skill to be a good slow hero (a HoT for example)

Is that a hero of the month? SG must be looking to avoid spending on their players. Or they wouldn’t plan to launch a slow helper-launching hero (which is the most boring feature in the game) as the hero of the month. Delete that hero and create a simple and good sniper, which is what the game needs.


Everyone complaining about Noor being slow seems to be missing the fact that she essentially clears enemy minions for free thanks to the passive, and gains +25% max hp to boot.

While not exactly great in defense, she looks like a decent to good offensive tool against minion comps, which there will be an abundance of, after all the new s3 heroes are out.


That is a nice ability indeed but the usage is too niche. Anyway, Noor cannot take away minions attached in Telluria/Vela.

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What you said is false.
When an enemy summons minions she creates one, but she eliminates the minion IF AND ONLY IF her owl minion hits the other hero.
So example, telluria casts and creates minions, then Noor creates one owl minion and that owl minion will hit one enemy so she eliminates one minion (unless it is telluria), so 80% chance. But there are still four more out there, and at the next turn IF AND ONLY IF the owl minion survives, there is 60% chance that she kills another minion, and so on

She may be efficient against minions but that is it. If no minion spawners she does nothing until she fires, and at slow she only creates bulky minions which is like a small heal and that is it. Compare to every other healer and it is underwhelming.
Besides that, does she have a place against titans? Nope. In challenges or map? Nearly zero (only for Christmas). At slow she will be always underwhelming.

At average she may be more useful, as in raids she could be seen as a pseudo healers with the minions.

Anyway, think about incoming Bera that casts and then you cannot create minions
 she counters Noor COMPLETELY, because of Noor being slow


I don’t think that’s quite the reason in this case though. If the card were good then you’d see more people being happy with the card. Out of the 3 new HoTM’s Noor is the most useless out of the 3, and its not like the other 2 are aiming to be top heroes either.

A minion is nice but it on its own doesn’t do much. Specially when you require the enemy to fire off their special to receive such minion. So 20% extra Health might just cover up what she lost, and doesn’t do anything to help you with anything else. The minion destruction effect also doesn’t do anything to the most popular minion maker in the game and relies on the minion surviving at least a round.

I really like her character design and she has a really good innate ability so im hoping we can find a way to make her good.

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Inari, Noor, Telluria, freya, deliah. Grimble would feast.

I fully agree with you. Even if it was VERY FAST, I would spend the almost impossible 6 rings; a blade and a tome


She can’t clear minions on Telly, but she can clear her minions on everyone else (well, except for Vela). Her minions essentially do 250+ damage on hit if the target has minions.

Tyr is not a real sniper.

and Marjana is the ONLY red sniper.
look at the other colors, how many snipers they have.


The issue is that this is so situational that its hard to count on. Her innate ability activates when the enemy summons a minion. That usually happens when an enemy fires off their special. Telly tends to be tank or left flank, Seshat tends to be left flank or in the wings.

So after the minion is created, he still has to survive a potential slash attack or two or even another special skill going off. Then comes your turn, and he wont hit until after you’ve fired your special skills if any and made whatever potential match you can. This whole process just so that the minion can hit at random, for a chance to hit a potential minion. So yes its something nice if it happens but idk how often you can count on it.

A 25%/25% minion in itself is very nice. It just doesn’t justify Noor being slow because of it. Most other heroes that only generate minions are at Fast. She needs a reason to justify her slow speed and the minions for as good as they are, aren’t it.

She might need to remove minions instead of destroying them and then have a 3rd skill to justify her being at slow.


yes ; it seems SG want to make weaker hotm because they are easier to get. It is very frustrating to see that the next hotm until september are weaker and slower than old ones.

The minion should have 50% HP and 100% Attack from the summoner, that would justify her.

seriously we dont need this hotm, wtf are you thinking about SG ? a slow hero that do nothing except summoning minions that eat other minions

give us a red sniper with elementary def down or something like this, you can provide something to counter telluria but instead you are playing with minions like a 2 years old kid cmon