đŸ§Ș Early Information on the Goblin Balloon [Part of The Beta Beat V31]

Wow, can’t believe it! I will no longer buy a house but invest the money in this balloon thing! :roll_eyes:



my bad lol

better than i initially thought


Only if you:

  • Get a legendary crate (I’m player level 30 in in Puzzle Combat, and I’ve never actually seen one, to my recollection) AND
  • It is the first crate in the airship

Every time you get a crate of any kind, it goes in the airship and increases the price. You can’t recycle unless you have five crates. If you got a regular crate, then a legendary crate with a 4-star ascension mat, it would cost $2.99 to get. (You have to pay for all crates to get any of them.) If you had two regular crates, then a legendary, it would be $3.99 to get it. You get the idea. Theoretically possible to get the 4-star mat for $1.99, but just as likely to have to pay $5.99 to get it (if it were the last of five crates to fill the airship), plus some other junk you probably don’t care about. It is a guaranteed four-star mat, though, and you do get to see which one before you buy it. Considering the price of current deals like “choose your own ascension mat”, it could end up being an OK deal for spenders.


Loot boxes: Lords call for ‘immediate’ gambling regulation - BBC

Not so sure this is a good move by SGG :astonished:


So what they offer is a random 4* ascension mat but no darts or rings? I hate RNG, and specially when I am spending money I don’t want it to be random. If it’s like that then this offer is not for me. $3 or even $4 are ok for me depending on the ascension mat and the moment. But random? No thanks

The Legendary and Epic crates offer a choice between three things actually.

Among with the choice between that, or 10 WE flasks or 5 epic hero tickets (just as an e.g.)

Lemme see if I can get an old screenshot from Puzzle Combat


you are not understanding the mechanics. You get a loot crate. It has X item in it. You want it? Then you pay for it. you can collect up to 5 crates before purchase. the price goes up for from $1.99 to 5.99 When you pay the 5.99 you get what is in all 5 crates plus a sixth crate that is random. The only RNG is what is in the crates. You open the rates before you buy so you then know what is in them and can decide to spend or not to spend. the only other RNG is the random item in the bonus crate IF you save up 5 crates and buy them all at once for $5.99.

Now once you have five you choose to just recycle and you will get some random items which equate to a basic monster chest and this costs you nothing.

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guess you missed the part where i said i was corrected and it’s better than i initially thought?

Okay here we go. Sorry for bad quality, the image was archived and compressed. But this is the idea with the legendary and epic crates:

You choose one of those items, and it gets added to the balloon. Above is an example of an epic crate in Puzzle Combat (either 3 purple 3* trainers, one unfarmable ascension material for 4* heroes final ascension, or one epic hero token).

You can change this selection later too, so if you change your mind before buying it’s possible to switch to something else. You can only get one of those though if you buy.


Sounds fair enough to me. Just want to see some rings there and I am in


So they took the worst part of Puzzle Combat and put it here uh


A paid monster chest.


That’s the kind of content most of the players
 probably doesn’t want. Next.


I’m not a fan of the airship in CP. Whenever I see a crate in loot, I’m disappointed it wasn’t something else.

As another example, here’s my current airship:

And epic crate:

FYI, the surgical kit is essentially the same as trap tools in EP. In CP, 3* mats are basically the 3* farmable mats in EP, while 4* mats are the equivalent of 3* unfarmable mats in EP, and 5* mats are the equivalent of 4* mats in EP.

Also, if anyone is curious, the closest comparison for the gun would be a “trainer troop” - if they existed in EP


Let them be, it doesn’t matter whether this feature exist or not.


It never ceases to amaze me the different ways they choose to spend development time on monetisation, rather than on actually addressing gameplay issues like balance. I expect more of this from new “features” - predatory micro transactions rather than anything game related, or god forbid, QoL related. Good job


So, just to make things perfectly clear. As you get your 5 crates, you can see actual content of a each crate and decide, if you want to buy them or not. Price is always in real currency, not a crystals.
So, best-best case scenario is one legendary crate with some shiny tonic, which you can get for 1.99.
Worst-best case is 4 regular and one legendary. You get that shiny tonic and some low-level stuff like loot tickets, for 5.99.
Worst-worst case if 5 regular. You get some low-level junk for 5.99.
Once again. No RNG here - you are clearly seeing, what you are paying for. Or not?


Not a fan of this here, if you are going to launch this feature, please change the name like “Goblin Treasure” or something. The “balloon” makes me think of a condom.

so let see if i understand this right we no longer will be able to get four star ascention items randomly every now and then from a raid chest instead we either get ■■■■■ we pay for been recycled or we pay actual money to get a goblin balloon which effiectively will give the same odds we have now of getting rare items.

if they do this i quit. I am already on the verge of quitting.

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Only RNG is what crate you get. Once you get it, you open it and see it’s contents first before buying.

The mystery crate at the end is the only one that’s RNG, but that’s once you’re buying 5 items