šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Season 3 Provinces & Gameplay [Part of The Beta Beat V27]

With only 1 province( realm) unlocked the story is only just unfolding. Due to the way SG ramp up the difficulty as you have progressed in previous seasons creating a free roaming story would need a major overhaul so expect to follow the same pattern as previous

Yes, and a couple people have commented that the dialogue seems a little improved vs. S2.

Not good, justā€¦less awful. :rofl:

There might be :man_shrugging:

Weā€™re only seeing the first 3 of whatā€™ll probably be 36 Provinces in total.


That has been the big mystery. Where will Thanos wear that sixth icon, one wonders?

Iā€™m wondering if the heroes from the 9th realm will be the best - looking at you Thor, Loki, and Odin. Does that mean I should wait towards the end of the year to do those S3 summons? Just like Kage and Poseidon were the hardest hitters from S2 and werenā€™t revealed until near the end


thereā€™s always eventual power creep. if you wait 3 years, there will be even better heroes. And if you wait 10, we might even have 8 star heroes (assuming the game still exists).

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Beta Update

Beta has reopened, with the first 4 Provinces available, as well as balance changes to Heroes and Realm Bonuses, and the first appearance of the Valhalla Summon Portal.

Cross-quoting information on that:


Soā€¦ would Thor + the Avengers be the ultimate boss of season 3?

@zephyr1 I know itā€™s hard to speculate, butā€¦ with the quickly closing and reopening Beta for season 3 does that mean we might get it this month?

What will be the first heroes of the beginning of season 3? Will we have HOTM on the portal? Any tips?

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Itā€™s possible, and the rapid Beta cycles certainly point toward imminent release.

At this point I suspect itā€™ll likely be next month at latest.

We do know that Version 27 was planned for release in late February, and itā€™s looking like Season 3 will be in Version 27 ā€” so itā€™ll just be a question of whether they release in time for Season 3 to start the last week of February.


As a very happy owner of Poseidon, I was wondering this same thing.


Thanks for that educated guess. :slight_smile:
Iā€™ve been looking forward to all the new aspects of the game. Path of Valor has been a nice change to some of the repetitive grinding in the game. Season 3 looks like itā€™ll bring some unique changes as well.

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Maybe it was asked before - I havenā€™t found it:
What are the preconditions for season 3?
Do you need to complete a certain S2 map in order to start it?
What is the required TP (roughly) in order to play it?

Thanks in advance

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Still donā€™t know this, unfortunately.

Itā€™s looking relatively on par with Season 2 to start, so 4* are very workable.


Several post above @zephyr1 wrote:

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Iā€™ve completed the first 3 provinces in Normal difficulty with my farming team of rainbow 5*s while autobattling. Other testers reported that they were able to complete Normal with rainbow 4* teams as well (not sure if they auto-battled).

I did a little bit of Hard difficulty yesterday, I tried with my rainbow team of 5*s and still managed to complete the first few levels in province 1 ā€“ however I did not autobattle this time, I went in actually doing moves.

Since Beta reopened our progress in the story got wiped for our Beta accounts, so we need to redo these stages (Normal and Hard)


Canā€™t help but infer from the sudden change to Atlantis schedule S3 will release this month. If not theyā€™d have given us more notice and rearranged starting next month.


I hope it also serve othersā€¦ 20 chars

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Do we expect any Beta update before Atlantis closes?
I have no hurry with season 3 heroes but if Hel would be returning iā€™d rather wait for that one :slight_smile:

It would be incredibly unusual for Beta to be updated over the weekend, so no, I donā€™t expect updates before Monday or Tuesday.

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