đŸ§Ș Early Information on Season 3 Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat V26 & V27]

They spelled this guys name wrong. It should be “Powerhouse”

Fenrir – 5* – :snowflake: Ice

Click for Beta Information (extremely likely to change)

Fenrir Beta Info & Stats

Rarity: Legendary/5*

Attack: 780
Defense: 737
HP: 1297

Class: Figher
Family: NONE
Element: Ice/Blue

Mana Speed: Fast

Special Skill: Gargantuan Bite

  • Deals 300% damage to the target.
  • Deals 600% damage if the target has less than 50% health remaining.
  • The caster gains a moderate amount of mana for each enemy killed and a small amount of mana for each enemy minion killed.
  • Heals the caster for 50% of damage dealt.

At any other speed this :arrow_down: would be very bad news, I can not see anyone recommending a faster speed, I mean imagining this hero going off in the first place is nightmarish. This reminds me of the recommendation I had for guardian owl in my beta application 5 Heroes You Would Change (buff/nerf) - beta application - #132 by averagejoe33


What does exactly Mireweave’s stack mean?

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@zephyr1 Correct me if Im wrong but it means that each time he casts his special he gets +5% attack but this eff can still be dispelled since it is a stacking buff.
so say he casts 10 times then he would have an attack increase of 50%
Actually it reads like the 5% compounds so I would like clarification on if its a stack wrt the original attack or if it is a stack off of any boosted attack.

My only question is whether or not this attack increase stacks with something like a boldtusk

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It reduces the max available HP.

So of that reduced max available HP is > than the current HP (after taking damage etc
) Than that’s fine, the HP remains the same. So if the max HP goes from 900 → 300 & available HP after damage is 200, nothing more happens. The 600Hp which is “reduced” is just greyed out & you work on a health bar of 0->300

If the reduced max HP is < the current HP than the “new” HP bar is filled. So if the HP after damage is 500 and the Max HP is again reduced from 900->300, the enemy hP is now at 300, and you again work off a 0->300 health bar with the 300->900 all greyed out.


It stacks with itself. It has no timer on it.

So first cast = 5% attack stat buff
Second cast = +5% so now 10% buff
Third cast = +5% so now 15% buff

It can be dispelled tbo, but as I said, no timer.


does it stack with similar eff?

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Seems like a pretty irrelevant stack



It’s a new separate buff type. New symbol and everything.


It’s a non-timed attack boost which can get up to +50% attack
 Permanently (as long as there is no dispellers)


Yea but solely the attack of the caster is boosted. Not finding where that is valuable. Against titans you don’t have time to fire him 10 times and in raids he might get a 10% boost at best before dying and or the raid is over. NOt to mention with an average attack stat at best, that 150% hit will amount to little. Seems to be the worst of the 4*'s mentioned so far.

It’s niche is all.

I personally find minion killer heroes useless and too niche to be worth levelling up for the most part but they keep being created so SOMEBODY must be liking them :stuck_out_tongue:


I do not know if you can test this but will the stack remain after a War hit if not dispelled, I can see it being useful if that is the case and it would be very interesting to have to play around.

Related Kinda skip if uninterested

Also in the case of heimdal I know it may be late to test this but in war ive seen that heroes can not end with more health than they started with so does heimdal bypass this with the HP BOOST???

No it won’t.

It goes on as a buff. So like all buffs (and resurrections and mana generated) it will reset at the end of a war hit.

Same with the HP reduction/ increase I’d think as it can be cleansed by say Ariel or dispelled (in the case of Heimdall) by say Melendor.

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You can’t have every hero be a fast hero. That’s just not fun and doesn’t really expand the meta game. There needs to be variety to open up the possibilities for more rigorous, creative, and competitive strategies.



Turns out that the reduction can’t be cleansed

Me no likely

Just tested with Ariel & the reduction is permanent
 Not cleansed


@Guvnor Sorry mate
Dave had posted about this
could’ve saved you some time/testing.


Mmm, I wonder if this permanency of HP modification will make S3 heroes mandatory for raids and wars. I hope to be wrong

Permanent for that match only. This includes wars.

HP goes back to normal max value during war attacks.


In what bizarre universe are you successfully firing 10 specials (never mind having to dodge dispels along the way) and the 5% additive stack is relevant in the outcome?