🧪 Early Information on Santa's Challenge Hero Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v43]

Any word on adding minions for Carol?


Hard Rock Santa, do he and the Duke of Rock aka C.Tib get a family bonus?


Lol he needs more Candy Canes

Krampus is way too OP as a rogue version of BK wich will make him even more OPas flank during VF wars…

No Buddy costume? No Carol costume? I mean Santa definitely deserves a costume but where are the costumes for the heroes who need it? Why does Krampus and MoNo get costumes when they are already top heroes?


I am excited about the Christmas Costumes. I don’t have any of the 5 Stars. If I get the Costume, I get the best of both worlds.

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You answered your own question. Players will pull again for top heros.

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Beta Update:

  • Costume Santa Claus damage is increased from 135% to 150%

I can’t imagine people thought Santa wasn’t strong enough already? Or is it that he’s less desirable than the other heroes?


Everyone and their extended family will really be pulling for MN with that 55% revive chance. Guess I know which event I’ll be saving up for.

I hope for everyone else but Mother north since i got 3 copies of her and nothing else :stuck_out_tongue:

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LOL! I have one of everyone else (includes 3 & 4*s) BUT her.

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I would prefer his attack down increased back to -34%. Raising skill damage back to 150% does nothing for him support wise.

How about they return some semblance of “balance” to this game instead of throwing it away for an early death as a quick cash grab


People actually use Santa for titans? I get he has defense down, but I pulled him from my titan team after realizing how much time was wasted on minion attack animations (and for such low damage). I’d rather have Wilbur for Def down personally. It’s not like Santa has high attack Stat.
This is not an attack, just generally asking if he’s used alot for titans:)


He will probably be in titans squad with new def down

We need the carol and buddy costumes cmon !!!


I’m curious as to how their stats will look when fully emblemed and Limit Broken. Can someone try this and post the stats if they come back in V44? I would appreciate it, since I have Santa and Krampus maxed and hoping to use them together more often down the road.

I can try Santa if he arrives back to Beta. I have not got enough LB materials for the others.

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buddy’s costume yeah, great news its coming for christmas 2022