šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on ROUND 4 Legendary Season 3 Heroes (Gefjon, Lord Loki, Odin, Thor) [Part of The Beta Beat V31]

thanks for the help!!! I dont know why I ask that questionā€¦ I will never get those heroes :sob: :sob: :sob:

Hello Mr. Spock :slight_smile:

Since Telluria is becoming a non standard, Ninjas are overtaking wings positions (Onyx, Cobalt), and we have now a Marjana reveal costume, I believe its safe to say, Marjana > Gefjon? :smiley:

They made her the most ridiculous ever. A sniper with splash and defense/attack down reduce, with fast+ speed and solid defense .

I would say Marj looks more appealing, yes. But keep in mind we will almost certainly see adjustments to these new costumes, so itā€™s too soon to say for sure

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Hey, where did you get this info.? Iā€™d like to see it for myself since Iā€™ve been saving gems/coins to get Gefjon but maybe now it would be worth it to pull Marj from Masquerade instead.

I havenā€™t had any luck searching the forums or google. Thanks.

Part of the latest beta beat

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Thanks man! :slight_smile:

When is season 3 all open? Will there be a discount fee and additional loot like season 2?

We donā€™t know. Maybe 5~6 months later

i do not think that it will need that much for finish it. 4 stage of muspheleim, 4 of alfeim and i guess asgard will have either 1 or 4 or 7 (i think 7 is too much based on other realms) stages and it would take 3 maybe 4 month not more.

so there is still no info on the next featured Valhalla heroes (November, December, January)? This is crazy, staff should help us players to do informed decisions, Valhalla is starting again in less than 2 days

No update since this one. I have asked but not got confirmation yet.


How many more rounds of season 3 legendary heroes will there be?

i think not more then one, with maybe ymir for sure surtur and for sure the ā€œdragonā€ we have saw last month and who knows maybe others

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Thank you! Iā€™m not really that sold on any of the heroes in this round, so I may wait for the next.

Hopefully @Staff_SGG , @Petri can give us a clue about the next featured Valhalla heroes? Beyond Gefjon, even if it is only the featured for November!

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See other threads: Thor and Odin are next.

From best of my knowledge the order is still unknown between Thor, Loki and Odin


I hope Odin is before Thor. Thor to me just seems like a ninja type more than a powerful god type.

I want to know when Hel gets her MEGA buff bringing her into the season 3 hero realm?


Difference in Thor and ninjas are, Thor gets progressively stronger while fighting.

Ninjas get progressively stronger while waiting before strikingā€¦

Two concepts done right, while staying true to their history/lore

GJ SG :slight_smile: