🧪 Early Information on ROUND 4 Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v36]

This is welcome new on the surface, and I’m glad SG is taking a step back.

However, I’m hesitant to applaud very much. There’s no indication that they plan on implementing the costumes any differently than before. In my mind, there’s not much of a difference between summoning for a Master Lepus costume in Springvale versus a Rana costume in Sand Empire.

I hope they do find a way to release the costumes in a more equitable way for folks who already have non-S1 5*, but I’m not really counting on it.

In general, I’m totally against non-S1 costumes in any form; but if they are going to be released, it shouldn’t require summoning a duplicate hero in addition to having less than 1% odds of getting the costume you desire.