đŸ§Ș Early Information on Round 1 of Secondary Season 1 Hero Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v50]

I think it’s great, you must be used to this by now.

Just accept it, you should know by now that it’ll never change, no matter how much you complain.

Isarnia reduces normal defence that affects both normal attacks and special attacks
While Magni reduces defence against special attacks only

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What about the other half that went berserk and demolished their oldest child’s college fund?

Of course we won’t get to hear their true opinion on the matter.
But it will be so fun to hear how many whales are still emptying bank accounts into this revolving black hole.

I doubt the supply of fresh blood will be amused when they are greeted by the paywall either. Thanks Treevil!
Enter the next 3* creep and hurry please!

The forum is sure to be a hoot!

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I think multiple costumes is a great idea to keep older heroes relevant, especially if you’ve you’ve limit broken or emblemed them. It’s also a great way to bring newer ability types to older crew.

S1 heroes in particular tend to be weaker, and are much easier to obtain. Although funnily enough I’ve generally avoided S1 legendaries with the exception of Lianna and Azlar, who aren’t up for second costumes yet.

However, this does exacerbate the current issues with getting the heroes you want. I’d really like to see better options there. I think there’s value (and fun) in figuring out the best way to work with the heroes you have. But there’s also a lot of frustration in drawing from such a massive pool with such a small chance of getting the folks you really want.

And as always, whether we’re talking a new hero, a new costume, or whatever, balance is important. I think some power creep is fine, but if someone is broken they’re broken.

Oh no, it’s just 10 keys. Bunch of other nonsense “rewards” every other level. They should leave the first 6 levels as the old quest was with 10 keys as the reward, and make the nine new levels be a challenge with an additional 10 keys as reward. 10 keys total for the irritation of finish the all “new and improved” quest
no thanks.


You talk as if you are so sure that I never use fast/average/slow healers or participate in very fast war/tourney. I had

Any of these costume is very fast healer? Any of the healer can use skill with just 6 tiles? Even with 2 costume bonus, maxed magic troops, and mana talent node, Sorcerer Vivica still need 9 tiles while the Cleric/Fighter Vivica need 10 tiles. Even if the 4* healers come out, they will still need 8 tiles with all that.

Pretty sure I saw some people feeding maxed Quintus and some other S1 heroes back during Soul Exchange. How upset will they be if they pull these new costumes and have to use the AMs to level them again.


Send them to @Gryphonknight

He already has a rant thread ready for them:

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The issue isn’t the specials of the S1 heroes. They can all be usable in situations. It’s the lack of how far they’re falling behind in the power leap. How about just buffing the stats say to from the 755 starting point of a S1 heros to where the HoTMs are now coming out as which is around 800. This way the F2P can compete somewhat and those who have a skin can now be relevant

Is the power serious? 879 before emblems or LB?

 there is still the
"Don’t get to attached" disclaimer.
If it doesn’t change then, yeah:

What I can’t wrap my head around is

Obakan is Fast:

And Quintus is set to R.I.P. ALFRIKE . . .
in rush



Relentless Push

for Dark Dominance


I fell asleep while reading the nature costumes


why are they pushing Dark Sooo hard?!?
Panther wasn’t good enough?
What’s next?!?!?!

How about a new dark tank
Fast with biggest def in the game.
His skill does no damage to one enemy.
No ailment.
No buff.
And permanently erases the hero from your roster. Pooof, gone!
That defense is sure to climb the ranks without getting pestered.
Offense is boring. They win in 6 tiles. Make this guy and make offense great again.

Your welcome

I legit chuckled when I saw quintus. He went from the worse S1 hero to the derppiest overnight. The days of alfrike will soon be gone

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Yeah, there’s merit in keeping at least one copy of any hero. Just in case SG pulls something like this and gives them an OP costume in the future :stuck_out_tongue:


They need to give 50% probability chance for mindless attack to apply, otherwise he will cast mindless attack on SG and player community and destroy the game :smiley:

The fact that SG propose such thing in beta indicate that SG have been infected with mindless attack.


Just realized this morning that as crazy as Alfrike’s mindless attack is, it’s random to 5 enemies. I have to kill off at least 2 of my opponents before unleashing Alfrike’s special. Otherwise if all 5 are still around, she might only hit 3-4 and leave their cleanser unscathed. As glorious as that attack was, if the cleanser doesn’t have the ailment, it was for nothing.

Quintus, on the other hand, gives mindless attack to ALL. That’s downright rude, and you’d better hope he doesn’t have Lewana on his team to prevent the use of the Monk skill, Withstand.


What if this is a way to make players pull for klaern (aka the useless hotm of 2022) in July. His passive resists MAs


It probably is part of the July 2022 Fundraiser Strategy.

But the OP did say that featured heroes are Obakan and Vivica. Not Quintus.

No idea if all costumes will be released in July. I doubt it. Think Zynga will leave Quintus for later. They can milk more money this way.


Nobody ‘needs’ a klaern. And judging by how SG works, this might be their grand plan to make people pull in July

Loved it. I never thought I would say that but I want Joon, Horghall and Quintus

Joon 2 would be a yellow Dr M

I’m wondering if some of the heroes not presented here (Richard, Thorne, Grimm, Sonya, would also bring blue EDD). It would be awesome