🧪 Early Information on ROUND 1 of Season 4 Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v36]

I recommend you read this post:

Basically, at 0 emblem, level 4/80, and skill 8/8, the power for 5* is:

90 + 35 + (0.35 × attack) + (0.28 × defense) + (0.14 × hp)

Now lets try it on Aouda:
125 + (0.35 × 826) + (0.28 × 803) + (0.14 × 1334) = 825.7 》 825 (rounded down)

As you can see, the number 90 (skill star) and 35 (skill level) is constant in every max level 5* heroes in power calculation. The only variables that can change is Attack, Defense, and HP.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Power is summary of Base Stat where in 5* power is:

125 + 0.35 Attack + 0.28 Defense + 0.14 HP

So this argument is invalid.