🧪 Early Information on New Season of Love Gameplay & Rewards [Part of The Beta Beat v55]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the New Season of Love Seasonal Event Gameplay & Rewards.

For information and discussion on New Season of Love Heroes & Family please see: Hero topic here

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

Difficulty Modes

Like any other Seasonal events there are three Difficulty Modes:
Easy, Normal, Advanced.


Season of Love features 20 stages per difficulty.

So that now means there are a total of 60 Stages across the three Difficulty Modes.

Rewards & Flag Requirements

There is a total energy requirement of 74 WE for Easy, 134 WE for Normal & 194 WE for Hard; with a combined total of 402 WE for all 3 difficulties.

Rewards Summary:

Item Quantity
Emblems 10x of each Class
4* Ascension Mats 1x Mystic Rings
3* Ascension Mats 1x Chainmail Shirt
2x Hidden Blade
Trainer Heroes 1x Fire Epic Trainer Hero
2x Rare Fire Trainer Hero
2x Uncommon Fire Trainer Hero
2x Fire Common Trainer Hero
Avatars 5 Season of Love Hero avatar
(Cupido, Para, Himeros, Phthonus, Voluptas, Zarola)
Summon Tokens 3x EHT
1x ETT

Gameplay Features

If you explode a Love Arrow (marked with green), then one tile on left and right, and two down will also explode:

If you explode a Love Gem, then regardless of its position the marked tiles will explode:

:superhero: Stage Bosses

Thanks to @birksg for creating these charts !

:game_die: Summoning

Seasonal Portal – Season of Love

Hero Current Odds
Classic Rare 56.8%
Classic Epic 20.8%
Classic Legendary 1.7%
Rare Seasonal 14.2%
Epic Seasonal 5.7%
Legendary Seasonal 0.8%
Bonus HotM Draw 1.3%


1 pull: 300 gems / 1 Epic Hero Token
10 pull: 2600 gems

:mantelpiece_clock: Date…

There is no official information.
Probably around February 14th.

For a full list of items currently in beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


Good timing with red CoE shortly following this event.



Will make for (slightly) interesting gameplay


Is it 3xEHT, as appears in the summary, or 2xEHT?


3 EHTs: 1 at Normal 20, and 2 at Advanced 15.


Thanks, I now see the x2 in advanced.

20 stages per difficulty eh? Now the big question… how many days will the event be live?


That is a big question, but i hope at least 3 weeks. Of course 4 would be better.

In Beta they set it to 5 days, but the other seasonal events were set to that duration, and they lasted for several days.

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Is there new music? Like for LNY?

Anyway at least this looks like a full-blown event, not a hot mess like LNY is (though the music is good). Also kinda funny seeing C2 Quintus amongst bosses, though he fits there no doubt.


Great. I need more ascension mats for Ruby and Garnett when they come from the Soul Exchange

And pleaseSGG create the St Patrick’s Day seasonal event because I need more green ascension mats for my new hero The Hatter

Can they also please give d blades and tomes instead of the elemental 4* mats. Those are just as important


Yeah. I burst out laughing when I saw the heart shape.

60 stages with only 3 weeks, added to an already packed 28-day schedule will be tough for some. Not just time but WE-wise.

4 weeks will be comfy. Like Xmas. 8 Feb to early March. Straddling 2 HOTMs

5 weeks will be even better. 8 Feb to mid Mar.

Imagine they make a hero that can turn the diamond gem into this abomination of a pattern on defence…

  • Transform all power gems and special tiles into love gems over 3 turns
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thank you as always for all your information sharing @PlayForFun :slight_smile:

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The marked tiles AND the tile where the Love Gem is? Or that Love Gem will be replaced by a normal tile or just disappear?

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is red COE in Feb/March? I thought it would at least be 3 months away… lol. Gulp.

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Every 2 months. March. Then purple in May.


Closing topic as this feature is now live.
You can continue discuss it here: