🧪 Early Information on New Sand Empire Hero & Family [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Further on this about the Sand Empire heroes being a bit underwhelming:

I wonder if there is some potential for the existing Sand Empire heroes to get a bit of a balance/ upgrade…

I ask cause if you look at Roc, s/he is pretty well on par with what the current era of heroes are… but if you compare Roc to the existing Sand Empire heroes (Rana & Yunan) s/he looks WAYYY strong…

I think it’s a pretty good indicator that that all the Sand Empire heroes need a little boost… even if it’s just say a Stat Boost or even a slight bump in their special skill abilities…

Yunan (Slow)

  • 161% direct DoA5 → 180% direct DoA5
  • 339 DoT over 3 → 350 or 375 DoT over 3

Rana (Average)

  • 185% direct DoA3 → 210% direct DoA3 (But could be 235% same as Jabbar currently is!)
  • 402 DoT over 3 → 450 DoT over 3

Jabbar (Average)

  • 235% direct DoA3 → 250% DoA3
  • 172 DoT over 4 → 200 DoT over 3

Gafar (Fast)

  • 260% direct damage → 280% direct
  • 228 DoT over 4 → 250 DoT over 3

Arman (Slow)

  • 130% direct DoA5 → 150% direct DoA5
  • 92 DoT over 4 → 100 DoT over 3

Hissan (Fast)

  • 280% direct → no change needed IMO
  • 104 DoT over 4 → 104 DoT over 3