🧪 Early Information on New League of Villains Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v35]

Glad they clarified just how utterly broken these heroes are.

So Santa + Asterius is 62/80/98% defense down? Who needs elemental defense down anymore?

Vela + Chrysalis is 42/60/78% attack down? (There’s better blue attack downs, but these are both fast)

At least there’s no other purple mana slow… yet. Dark Lord will have to team up with Mist for a 48/62/76% mana slow.

To be fair, on their own these specials are a bit “meh”. But between the stats and the stacking they’re completely game breaking. And that’s without the effects on challenge events.

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Well, if that sounds like a lot to you, wait to see Captain Nemo and Phileas Fogg :joy: :joy: :rofl:
Two shooters with 842 attack and 854

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I am not sure how that works.

Santa and Vela are cleansable so the corrosive will override it, no?

Still could be cleansed, still could be ailment shielded, and I have heroes that can deal with these ailments. not really that game changing.

How would bertila’s skill work against these ailments, will they still reflect back?

Lol you don’t understand this game if you don’t see how OP these hereoes are if they can stack with other similar debuff.

Basically they get you to an all new planet when you compete for challenge events, ninjas and mystic titans…

I’m picturing fighting them on defence, as if I’m lucky enough to get them anyways. So I’ll mostly see them on defence.

Are these Heroes any more ridiculous than Frigg, Odin and Ninjas ?
If you spend a fortune and got these you are basically at the top of Raid leaderboards all the time.
By setting : Cobalt ,Frigg, Garnet , Odin, Onyx .

Looks about the same to me.
Go on SG get your money.

On defence every hero could be defeated or work around. Even Frigg could be cleansed and take away green tiles from the board.
Those heroes are pretty much on the same level of the best in the game now for raids, and brutally must have for titans and events.

They are designed (for now) to be lucrative, not balanced.

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If I read the post above yours right that’s a very bad idea.

Mean if you fire Santa and Asterius at the same time you will get 18/36/54. And Santa won’t do any Def down. So the first two weaker than Santa alone, the last stronger.
They aren’t the same speed so maybe you can fire Asterius first, but if you charge your Santa you need to hold your special until Asterius’s is over or loose his deff down.

Same with

They are the same speed, if you fire them both, Vela will only do her damage, but no attack down.


They are secondary effects, so they stack. The only effects that don’t stack are the “primary effects” (DOTs) - fire, poison, and cold (the last of which I think only Skadi has?).

This also addresses @ferg’s misreading.

Exactly the issue. On defense, sure, they’re beatable. Despite the outcry, I beat Ninjas and Frigg/Odin too, but that doesn’t make them fair or non broken. Anything other than a good board (not even a decent board) makes the outcome unfavorable.

But it’s going to push the game far more deeply into the P2W category given the imbalance between these heroes and everything before.


I read it different the corrosive effect will always overwrite the same effect from another hero, but will stack with similar effects.

Deff down from Asterius and atk down from vela will stack, but another deff down will always be overwritten.

Are you a beta tester? If yes, nevermind I haven’t said anything and thanks. If not maybe someone who is can clarify this.

There’s one more point, which makes me doubt it stacks, there are heroes out there with much higher deff down than Santa. Athena has - 65% deff. If this would stack with Asterius - 54% deff you would end with - 119% deff down, which means negative defense. What would the result of something like that be? Infinite damage?

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The example given was specifically Corosive poison (mana slow) and LJ (mana slow). I’m not sure how you can read it otherwise.

No, but Elpis is as I recall, and the quote from Guvnor is from beta (which is why it’s quoting weirdly).

There may be a defense down cap. Although given how the damage formula works, negative defense would work fine and result in massive (but not infinite) damage.

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Ah, thanks. I was thinking that corrosive poison would only be the poison damage, but you are right it’s the damage and manaslowdown.

That mean I have to change my mind about them, because with the stacks they are really overpowered. Till now I was thinking that the heroes are just OK, and only the new event rules are a little bit broken with extra points for event heroes, but with the stacks the new heroes are devastating.

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That also, but what really is nuts are the stats.

Quoting a post from beta, just because it really gives an idea about it:


PLEASE stop ignoring broken stats of new heroes, you are just comparing skills and even that is debatable as they immediately become cream of the crop…


Whoops. That should have been 1414 HP not 414.

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This seems to have been the major mistake with Telluria. People were up in arms about her skill - which is brutal, to be fair - but ignored that her def stat was so very high. Then add emblems on the def path and a 20% chance for the paladin talent to proc? Unreal. Basically requires a red stack, if not red mono, to have a decent chance to take her out before she fires and screws up your mana generation with her skill. That’s what made Vela so deadly with her. If Telluria hadn’t basically required such a heavy red stack, Vela would have just been an annoyance to have to work around. Stats matter, folks.


it combinatorial calculus, it works differently.
100%- 54% -44% means 100* (1-.54)* (1-.44)= 100*.46*.56= 25.76% (wilbur or santa+ G.Falcon)
If they are stackable putting in wilbur+falcon+Asterius will take the enemy defense down to 100*.46*.56*.46= 11.85%… that’s huge!

We’re not ignoring their stats. Several of us have complained about them. Repeatedly.

But initially it looked like they had broken stats, a broken effect on challenges, but a “meh” skill, which at least toned them down.

But, nope, they’re just entirely broken, from stats to skills to side effects.