🧪 Early Information on Master Emblems, Master Talents and Superior Master Talents [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

Do Master Emblems affect the costume bonus percentages ?

All talent nodes for lengedary heroes which needs 125 emblems were reduced in Beta to 80.

Including the node 8.

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No, they will not affect the percentage, but they are increasing the base stats so the costume bonus will boost a higer number with 10-15-20 or whatever percent.


Do you know how much Golden emblems needed for a node?

I did some research on which classes are going to be difficult for me:

I actually don’t have 5 leveled 5* Druids (Though I’m working Starwalker now, who will bring me to 5.) I suppose that Gullinbursti will fill the bill, though.

Strangely, Fighters and Paladins are also weak, with only 8 each.

Rogues - I have no 5* healers. Not sure if I have any at all.
Barbarians - I’ll be leaning on c2-Kirill
Rangers - Gonna have to be c-Rigard
Druids - Gullinbursti

My biggest class is Wizards (by far) – 17.

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Just 1 Golden emblem is needed for each node above 20 too.


So pog premium will be more worth it then

Closed as the Master Discussion topic for these is just added.

You can continue discussing it here: