šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Master Class Trial [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

I started bringing some 5* to 3.70 for ā€œroster depthā€. Even S1 for which I have costumes. Hoping that will help some.

Otherwise itā€™s all Red items if I canā€™t add a healer. Or all battle weapons if I canā€™t add decent hitters.

I hope this wonā€™t be out on a Wednesday :rofl:


Any chance you have some other costumed heroes? Or even Elkanen?

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Good news:


Bad news, literally every other cleric costume I have with higher TP than those above:



Liannaā€¦ helps. But ā€œLianna and the four supportā€ sounds a little like, best case, ā€œmy device may run its battery down to nothing before battle ends,ā€ or possibly, ā€œsupport dies a sooner-than-instant death to bosses.ā€

  1. I made the comment before realising how gosh darned powerful the bosses in beta were

  2. I have also commented that the bosses seem too powerful

  3. my overall comment about mixing and matching being fun still stands

So you can save the tone, and have a nice day :wink: (do try, anyway, even with the impending doom and gloom from beta comingā€¦)

Eh, (1) my point may be mixing and matching is a little more fun when thereā€™s something to, oh, actually mix and match (not least when viable options may kinda seem limited to ā€œneeds to be modern 5*ā€)

(2) the tone Iā€™m getting from the game is ā€œeven multiyear veterans of the game not only get to watch the have/have-not gap widen yet further, but may be increasingly locked out of even the in-game-earnable crumbs of non-paid content, but, hey itā€™s fun for spendier/luckier folks?ā€

(3) my forum name doesnā€™t earn itself, yā€™know? :crazy_face:

Wowā€¦for whatever reason I cant remember I leveled 2 Brynhilds when she was new.
Really happy now I didnt fed one away! :heart_eyes:

Are you sure you dont have a costumed Lianna somewhere? :wink:

I knew it! :+1: :rofl:

Sure, enjoy your perpetually empty glass :woozy_face:

As for me, Iā€™m still finding enjoyment in this game despite the problems in it (and I donā€™t like the idea of master emblems), so I think itā€™s time for a bit of a break from the negativity.

(Seriously, what I find annoying is that even something like stating ā€œI do enjoy mixing and matching heroes to come up with interesting new teamsā€ becomes a target for negativity these days!) although apparently anything that doesnā€™t come with a dozen disclaimers can be endlessly nitpickedā€¦)

Heaven knows I have enough of it in real life , I donā€™t need my game escape being buried under more of it.


I will probably crash n burn for certain classes like Druid. Unless I comb through again and level some decent hitters for the sake of this quest. A solution if I have at least AM n basic emblems available.

Letā€™s see how I get by with red potions and some HL items before I actually commit to using even harder to get resources.

Probably giggle when I crash n burn. :joy::rofl:


But I assume the bosses are similarā€¦ they donā€™t seem to be overly powerful, and no healers, so you can just keep cLianna alive and sheā€™ll silence.

Cleric Lianna slows mana, not silences. Less effective than silencing, though better than nothingā€¦

Though, the cleric bossesā€™ talents will also make it harder to use mana effects on them.

I will probably bring Mist and XiwangMu to increase my damage output versus the bosses.


Honestly, I forget what all the costumes and new heroes do, simply because I lose track. When I see costume Lianna on defense, itā€™s always silence.

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For those who have tested. Do you think taking Timothy, togue healer (not great) to 3/70 would be worth it or not worthy? Him or frosty are my only rogue healers.

I am not a beta tester, but I read people saying the mobs are easy. So this means you can stall, and charge Timothy multiple times. Boosting the health of all your heroes sounds valuable versus the final lethal bosses.

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Yeah this could be the best tactic, so I will get him now to 3/70 ready, now I just finished getting Luna to 3/70. This makes sense and is a good tactic to do

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I guess as usual regarding beta info, everything is still subject to change, however itā€™s a good strategy to get them to 3/70 minimum imo.

The OP now contains the Druid version too, and now it contains @birksgā€™s guides too about the class trials we have seen so far.


This is gonna be a tough quest for meā€¦

I am thinking these team as of now but I can see my self struggling for sure :upside_down_face:

Do you guys have any feedback?

For Druid, I could use C Fura instead of C Sonya
For Rouge, I could yuse Mulgog instead of C Grimm

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Man I hope they tune down these bossesā€¦ their stats on the last level are crazyā€¦