đŸ§Ș Early Information on Hero Academy [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

So far, only lvls 1 and 3 seems good enough. A way to burn that books and swords - nice, reduces junk, give food heroes. Other - well, not impressed.
Lvls 2 and 4 are ridiculous. A day for a 1* and two days for 2* troops? I can easily get that from 8-7, with ~7 hours of play. Should give a bunch or take maybe 1 hour and 2 hours.
Lvl 5 is fine, but not useful. People, who can build academy don’t need regular 3* heroes. At least, at that cost. Maybe something like 20k food, 10m time and 10 recruits. That is more or less reasonable.
Lvl 6 - seems reasonable, can’t say anything more now.
Lvl 7 - 60k food seems bit much. Need to see more feedback on percentages, so far seems it should be like 40k maybe, or less. 12h time is also too much. 1h maybe or even less.
lvl 8 - same as lvl 5, can’t say much. Guaranteed 4* is fine, but do players, who can build academy really need season 1 heroes? Maybe if that also include atlantis heroes, it could be useful. Or something like 30k food, 15 recruits and 15m of time.
lvl 9 - useful, but has serious drawbacks. Getting the desired troop if about 11%. Other outcomes - you put food, recruits and time and get another unwanted 4* troop. No improvement and no sign of progress. We should be getting some shards here or train 4* troops from 3* troops. Then this will be something nice.
lvl 10 - not fun at all and not useful. Do anyone in beta actually got a hotm? So, chances are abysmal. If you put horghall and get lianna - that’s fine. But you could put telluria here and get a horghall. Not really a fair trade. Again, worst outcome - you put resources and get literally nothing. Some shards could help, atlantis heroes, signincantly improved chances for hotm also could help. And only one training at a time only makes all this worse. 3 trainings would be fine with fully built and researched academy.


No season 2. At least let me trade season 2 and HOTM for OTHER season 2 and HOTM. I Don’t expect one of my 20 vivicas to turn into Ursena but I don’t want my duplicate Inaris and Misandras turning into my 21st Vivica either. The state of the game the last few months has been terrible and they just keep piling it on.


Even if the % chance for a HotM is 10%, in 10 trainings (70 days) I could reasonably expect 1 old and random HotM. Could be one I already have or one I didn’t want. Again, what even is the point?!

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Only assuming that the HoTM that get added every month do not dilute the odds of getting a specific HoTM evem further. Otherwise, it’s quite realistic that you won’t get Gravemaker this century


Seconded on this. The current HoTM roll is way too low.


First, thank you small giant for FINALLY introducing hero academy! It took wayyyyy too long to deliver on this but atleast it is finally here.

I am excited at a chance to get a hotm from a duplicate 5* but it sounds like the odds are disappointingly low. If I am going to wait over a week for the results, I’d atleast like to know Id have a fighting chance at getting a hotm.

The most ridiculous part about this is that it will take more than 3 ■■■■■■■ months just to build this! IT TOOK YOU OVER A YEAR JUST TO IMPLEMENT THIS INTO YOUR BETA THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS GIVE US SOME DECENT BUILD TIMES.


I lol’d so hard at 42.3+ years :rofl:
How about odds on training a garbage hero for an HotM?

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I like the idea of a 25% chance on those old HOTM. That would give you on average 1HOTM/Month. Yeah they could be dupes, or Natalya.


My thought exactly
 You can farm Season 1 maps for both 1* and 2* troops – I have 100s of 1* and 2* troops from farming. It’s unbelievable how useless the HA seems to be.

the waiting time should be less than 3 days at the most, since the cost to skip the waiting time has to be a normal summons 350 or 750 gems maximum at the legendary level

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On a side note, the castle map is getting more and more congested with all the coming buildings.


HotM or not this is awesome for C2P/F2P people like me that weren’t lucky with TC20, multiple copies of slow heroes but not a single sniper. I’d trade all my extra Justices, Horghalls and Khagans for one Lianna hands down.

Thank you for this!


Note — all of below largely ignores build/research costs. Those are one time, and unsurprisingly silly. But one time means you can spread it over the uses until it’s essentially nothing.

I don’t get why people think tier 1 & 2 are useless. The first is tc19, but with different costs. That’s useful, although only marginally so.

The second is a vastly faster tc2, with guarantee. Higher cost, but not ridiculously so.

As for the rest
 1 and 2 star troops aren’t useful at those costs (especially time).

Rare and epic heroes aren’t useful by the time you get to this, even for F2P.

I think the 3 star troop is useful, although rather expensive. But except for a very few whales, who doesn’t need feeder troops?

Building trainer heroes? Great
 depending on ratios. That’s okay for a 3
 not so much for anything less.

Epic troops? Even with the math of 2 months to get I’ll take it. I’ve been trying to get a 4* purple mana for much longer. Beggars can’t be choosers :frowning:

Legendary heroes? When I saw this I thought it was great. Because I (apparently stupidly) thought it would be an even chance for ANY hero in the pool.

Anything less than that makes the costs crazy. Come on. This is complete end game stuff here, and restricted to those with the extra resources even then. Quit being so utterly miserly. Even with that you could turn a half decent hero into Thoth or Quintus. Which means another spin of the wheel.

Last note — make it like AL in that you can do multiple things at once. I’m also in favor of eliminating gems to speed, but I expect that SGG wants at least some money potential from it.


No, because we’ve already reached maximum density.

However, if you want AL and HA (presuming they’re both worthwhile in the end) then you have to choose to sacrifice either your last forge or a mine/farm.

Sounds like By some of the replys this could either be the best thing since canned beer or the worst thing since the Coronavirus. :wink:


Yes please, I want to retrain my Danzaburo(s) for Wilbur :sob:


Change level 8 to LEGENDARY and I’ll be happy.

If old HotM is included, why S2 is not included now that S3 is released?

That would make epic and rare retraining become an option.


I fortunately drew Wilbur (finally) but I have been holding on to two extra Danzas in anticipation of Hero Academy. If nothing changes, they are about to become food. If I could swap them for my still-missing Triton or Gaederius, however


My only gripe is that you cannot queue multiple re-trainings at once; otherwise, this looks quite promising.