šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Dragon Delivery [Part of The Beta Beat V71]

Shipment #5 and another 4* mat. 4* mats have been 2/1/0/1/1 so far. By far the easiest loot Iā€™ve ever got in this game.

Seriously, Iā€™ve gotten more 4* mats in 5 weeks from these then the last 2+ months of rare quests, which is like 3 quests I think :wink:

thatā€™s for you @BobTheSnark

My dragons motto is ā€œminimal interaction = maximum lootā€



Still, clearing one 4* mat per week is better than Rare quests, which still arenā€™t weekly.

I suppose that Rare quests plus dragon deliveries can be seen as a SG response, especially as long as Tier I deliveries keep delivering the goods (and donā€™t just succumb to en-:poop:-ification) ā€” if we are getting the equivalent of nearly two Rare quests per week, especially without having to actually ever invest in this empty dragon!copypasta, then Iā€™ll count it as a win for players.

(I still think itā€™s ridiculous to have Rare quests regularly pre-empted by Omegas, though.)

Carthago delenda est. #52RareQuestsAYear


Become worse

Should i do reply in map and more do raid for getting better reward?

Tier II is, I believe, the top tier available (for now), rest should be up to RNG. Somehow what we get from it feels worse than what we got from T I. Especially AA and 4*AM. I tried cup dropping in raids to Bronze but landed a crappy T II shipment anyway. Just donā€™t care much anymore :person_shrugging:

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Also: ā€œSummon Tokens changed,ā€ what?

Might as well just label it ā€œreticulating splinesā€ :crazy_face:


Shipment 6 and my 6th 4* mat! 2/1/0/1/1/1 for 4* mats so far. I only got 5 items on this shipment as well which is kinda weird but Iā€™ll take it.


Decent tier 2 effort :melting_face:

@Dickens seems like i got 2 more items at tier 2


I usually get far more items but only 5 this time. No complaints at all from me. Itā€™s easy 4* mats.

As for tier 1 & 2 I have 0 inclination to do anything in dragons to achieve tier 2 so Iā€™m still sitting at -1 cups and have only completed the tutorial on the map in the 4+ months dragons has been out.

If tier 1 stopped giving me 4* mats I would still be happy as itā€™s free loot with basically no effort other then a few taps on a screen once a day.

I agree but tier 2 can be reached by completing the 1st 6 map areas and staying at 200 cups.
Its not that hard and once you are there you just need to keep up with the 200 cups raids.
Does it bring in better rewards? Idkā€¦ I am not tracking but ideally it should :slight_smile:

I personally donā€™t bother with map stages in the main game anymore (still havenā€™t finished s5 and not even looked at untold tales) so itā€™s a hard no on dragons map. Heck, I havenā€™t even bothered leveling up the red 3* dragon you get in the tutorial!

I hate raiding unless itā€™s to do a PoA task and even then, Iā€™ll skip some of the idiotic ones like rainbow team or 3 of a certain class.

Iā€™m a strange one when it comes to this game. I donā€™t grind, raid or really bother with events and the only reason Iā€™m doing war & titans is because I recently joined a team after nearly a year being alliance free. I think I play based on addiction, not enjoyment after nearly 5 years.

Anyway, looking through a bunch of the previous posts it seems like itā€™s about 50/50 on good loot from either tier 1 or tier 2. I think Iā€™ve just gotten lucky with my loot and Iā€™m happy with that.

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Good to see different views on this topic!

I have been playing about 5 years as well but still grind here and there :upside_down_face:


Personally only one of my tier 2 shipments was bad. Every other one has had at least 1 or 2 AAā€™s or 4* AMā€™s. Brb, going to knock on wood now.


Thatā€™s crazy


Shipment 7 and my 7th 4 mat! 2/1/0/1/1/1/1 on 4* mats so far.

Not sure why Iā€™m getting loot like this but I will keep up my lazy dragon play by not doing anything other then build & collect resources.