šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Costumes (Formerly Skins) [Part of The Beta Beat v23, v24 & v25]

I think that a costume summon portal is fine as long as there is a way you can ā€œtrainā€ or ā€œmakeā€ a costume in the hero academy. the portal will give players access to acquiring costumes early but if you have played the game for long enough to have build stronghold 25 then it should be an option to make. It would be a 2 day wait, the same as TC20 and i am happy if it has the same drop % as rare epic and legendary heroes. i dont think this is much of an advantage as the hero academy is likely only able to be used once at a time and likely to have other desirable features like swapping a 5* or maybe even training a HOTM.

I hope the dev team might consider that the costume enables either to use base hero emblems or costume emblems to level up. for example, I am hesitant to use wizard emblems on Isarnia because Sartana is also a wizard, but if i can costume Isarnia to a sorcerer then i can emblem both Isarnia and Sartana.

maybe once you spend emblems to level the character then the costume can unlock that level and you decide how best to optimize the talent path (there wont be any cost, just a ā€œlockedā€ or ā€œunlockedā€) feature.
instead of just following the same talent path of the hero.


Iā€™d guess a lot more than 18 ultimately.

  1. Costumes are now for S1 heroes but the devs sorta say they will later include other heroes, tho it sounds like it will be a long time before they do.
  2. There appears to be no limit on how many costumes a hero can have or how many can be leveled up for each hero. I foresee special holiday costumes showing up or something like that.

This is how I see it. See first you have this piece of cheese you need to get rid of. So you get a mouse. But now you got to get rid of the mouse, so you get a cat. But now the catā€™s a problem so you need to get a dog to get rid the cat. Now youā€™ve got this big dog lumbering around, so you go out and you release Finley. But weā€™re going to give the cheese a costume, so everythingā€™s okay now.




The costumes are just too much.

What costumes? But if you are from the future, I welcome you :smile:

@zephyr1 merge to the master thread?


Greetings from 2025. Due to global warming, we are all prioritizing ventilation, shade and reflective surfaces. So feathers, sequins and bare flesh are very much the thing.



Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

Well, someone can foresee many costumes already.

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My central is Delilah which is fighting class, if I put clothes on another hero and turn him into a fighter, I can then remove the badges and put on my Delilah, so my central will be full of badges, will it work?

Costumesā€™ emblems are given to the original hero and stays the same.
Costumes uses the original heroā€™s emblems path, so if you were to remove them you will still have the original classā€™ emblems.


As last seen in Beta that would work, because the Emblems from the base hero are reflected on the Costume of a different Class.

So you could, for instance, give Joon Monk Emblems, and then put on his Fighter Fury of the Sun Costume, and heā€™d be a Fighter without using any Fighter Emblems.

This of course assumes that you:

  • Have Joon
  • Have Joonā€™s Costume
  • Have maxed Joon and his Costume
  • Have Monk Emblems to give to Joon

You should rename your thread and remove the ā€žearlyā€œ

All other players, pleas note:
Non of the Beta feedback were implemented by SGG. It was the decision from SGG to roll this out as it is.

Beta Testers are totally disappointed about how this went.


That would work if this thread didnā€™t have the information from the earlier versions of Costumes too.

Itā€™ll be good to have a fresh discussion for it next month, this thread is quite long and has a lot of speculation in it.

That does seem to be the case from this last round of Beta, unless they implemented changes without returning them to Beta before release.

Given the immediacy of the release after the weekend, however, Iā€™m assuming things are unchanged, like you said.


And again after the costumes we will have heroes wher never will be ascended, heroes like Quintus.

Can we use costumes on heroes that havenā€™t been ascended ?

I could see the benefit of costumes if you have say 2 duplicate heroes at 3/70 and the slight variance in costume makes it beneficial to use Both at same time

You should have read the OP. Soā€¦ yes.

can the costumebe reused on different hero like troops are? Letā€™s say I have 2 maxed Joons, can I use 1 costume on both of them?
If not, itā€™s really no different from levelling the same hero.

Sort of.

It can be used on multiple copies of the Hero, but it has to be separately leveled on each copy.

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A pity, then itā€™s very similar to levelling the same hero.
Emblems are scare, and using emblems to level up costume just plain sucks.
Is there an emblem reset for costume?