E&P Game Changing idea for Wars – bonus rewards during matchmaking to use a particular color tank

I think that diversity makes this game really fun and with the whole telluria thing going on people are getting bored with facing telluria all the time. So I was thinking that maybe they could do something like if all the teams put the same color tank it gives more points that way people will stop the same color tank thing. Maybe if they do it like we have to put equal colors as a tank maybe? That way we won’t see telluria as much. ( I sent this idea to them and they said that I should post here so people will discuss this here more)so guys what do you think about that?

I’m not entirely sure how it will overcome the Telly tank issue.

Some alliances coordinate their tanks, this is true. I would suspect they would check with members which colour tank they prefer due to their individual rosters. The problem I see is… what if green is their strongest and the majority can field Telly anyway?

The point proposal is supposed to somehow balance the situation out. One possibility is an alliance able to field many Tellys on the field will still do so as they’re their strongest tank. This would still likely cause issues for the opposing alliance even with a points bonus.

My idea was that each alliance should put 6 green tanks and 6 blue and 6…(assuming the alliance have 30 members). Therefore it would be more fun to play against deferent defenses that’s all. I don’t mind playing against a telluria tank but not every time. So I was thinking the more same color tanks there is the more points you will get so if a team have different color tanks will have a big advantage if they face same color tanks.

I see. Some alliances don’t coordinate tank colour which, in a way, makes it easier for the opposition.

I think there would be difficulties with trying to get it to work, but no harm in suggesting the idea.

Generally for war ideas someone collected a lot of them recently. Have you seen this thread? War 2.0: Summary of Improvements Might be worth adding a post there as well.


for alliance wars it could be forced every week to change the color of the defensive center.
i think have more versatility and dynamism in the wars.

thk for move post, i try seek this discussion but unlucky :slight_smile:
read start topic to manathir, idea is good.
I think no need bonus for change color but need forced any week (2battles ) rotate color tank.

If E&P was serious about tank variety, it would do it through the HOTMs ala Telluria. The game can handle it now. For there to be variety, the heros need to be somewhat accessible.