Ducks are broken and need to be nerfed

No, definitely not, but you are. :person_shrugging:

I don’t see what entitlement has anything to do with the topic at hand, probably because it doesn’t.

Really?! I thought everyone liked me! Thanks for letting me know, captain obvious. :joy:

Wait, replying to someone means being butthurt? And here I thought it was what social beings did when other social beings interacted with them. Now that you mention it, I’ve replied to a lot of people today, and I feel a noticeable pain in my rear end’s vicinity, so you might have a point there. :joy:

By the way, I’d never met any “old guy” - to borrow your own words - who uses 4chan level language such as “butthurt.” There’s a first to everything, I suppose, but it’s jarring nonethless.

And I really can’t see why you’re feeling singled out, you’re such a jolly fellow. Life is truly unfair. :cry:

You mean nuanced jokes such as this? :joy: :point_down:

Alrighty then, Jerry Seinfeld.

Have a wonderful day and please don’t stay in touch! Nobody here is pretending to be clever, we’re just trying to have fun, and I think we’d all appreciate you not ruining it.